Web / SEO / App spam from Microsoft Outlook

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From: Sakshi Singh

To: "dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca"

Subject: RE: Best SEO Proposal!!

Thread-Topic: RE: Best SEO Proposal!!

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Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 12:00:30 +0000


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I reached out previously regarding our services and haven't heard back from=

you yet

Would you like to join the call or Skype chat?

If so, please give me your contact no. or Skype id?

I would be happy to provide Pricing, portfolio,

Reply waiting


From: Sakshi Singh

Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2024 10:02 PM

To: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Subject: Best SEO Proposal

Hope you are having a good day!

While having a look at your website, I just found out that your website lag=

s significantly on On-Page SEO optimization techniques. Moreover, your webs=

ite also does not have significant backlinks for your set of targeted keywo=

rds means your website is almost invisible to your potential visitors.

Do you know Off-page and On-page optimization is something that is crucial =

for every website owner? Would you love to see increased traffic on your we=

bsite? Don't you like your website to be in the topmost results on search e=

ngines when someone searches for keywords related to your website?

I, Sakshi, am associated with India's topmost CMMI Level 3 & NASSCOM Certif=

ied organization as an SEO Analyst. As a team, we provide the one-stop solu=

tion to the website owners for getting higher ranking in the popular Searc=

h Engines like Google.

Some of our steps to increase the ranking of your website in an organic way=

are as under:

1. On-page Website Optimization as per Google's Guidelines.

2. Relevant Keywords Research

3. Keywords Optimization

4. Link Building/Back Link Creation on high DA websites

5. Submission to Search Engines and Directories

6. Submission to Article Directories

7 Competition Analysis

8 Creation of Optimized Content (Blogs, Articles, Social Sharings)

9. ...and everything else needed to get your website on the topmost ranking=

in the search engines.


1. We are also an expert in recovering the websites penalized by Google. Ki=

ndly contact us today to save your website.

2. SEO is one of the dedicated services offered by our IT organization. If =

you are interested in designing and development of a new website or eComme=

rce Store or redesigning your existing website, we will be happy to provide=

the most competitive quotation for that also.

Kindly reply back to this email to get the best quote and the highest level=

of professional services to ensure ranking of your website on the topmost =

search result page of Google and other popular search engines. Once I hear=

back from you, I will use my official email ID to initiate the things furt=


Look forward to your response.

Kind Regards,


SEO Analyst


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osoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =

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I reached out previously regarding our services a=

nd haven't heard back from you yet


Would you like to join the call or Skype chat?


If so, please give me your contact no. or Skype i=



I would be happy to provide Pricing, portfolio,


Reply waiting



From: Sakshi Singh

Sent: Saturday, November 16, 2024 10:02 PM

To: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Subject: Best SEO Proposal


Hope you are having a good day!   =



While having a look at your website, I just found=

out that your website lags significantly on On-Page SEO optimization techn=

iques. Moreover, your website also does not have significant backlinks for =

your set of targeted keywords means

your website is almost  invisible to your potential visitors. &n=



Do you know Off-page and On-page optimization is =

something that is crucial for every website owner? Would you love to see in=

creased traffic on your website? Don't you like your website to be in the t=

opmost results on search engines when

someone searches for  keywords related to your website?  &n=



I, Sakshi, am associated with India's=

topmost CMMI Level 3 & NASSCOM Certified organization as an SE=

O Analyst
. As a team, we provide the one-stop solution to the  web=

site owners for getting higher ranking in the popular

Search Engines like Google.      =


Some of our steps to increase the ranking of your=

website in an organic way are as under:     =


1. On-page Website Optimization as per Google's G=


2. Relevant Keywords Research   &n=


3. Keywords Optimization    &=


4. Link Building/Back Link Creation on high DA we=


5. Submission to Search Engines and Directories&n=


6. Submission to Article Directories  &=


7 Competition Analysis    &nb=


8 Creation of Optimized Content (Blogs, Articles,=

Social Sharings)     

9. ...and everything else needed to get your webs=

ite on the topmost ranking in the search engines.    &n=



NOTE:     =


1. We are also an expert in recovering the web=

sites penalized by Google. Kindly contact us today to save your website.

2. SEO is one of the dedicated services offere=

d by our IT organization. If you are interested in designing and developmen=

t of a new website or  eCommerce Store or redesigning your existing we=

bsite, we will be happy to provide the

most competitive quotation for that also.



Kindly reply back to this email to get the best q=

uote and the highest level of professional services to ensure ranking of yo=

ur website on the topmost search result page  of Google and other=

popular search engines. Once I hear back from

you, I will use my official email ID to initiate the things further. =



Look forward to your response.  =



Kind Regards,   





SEO Analyst 




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