We hope to see you this Friday morning at Edmontons Best Networking Club: Opportunities Unlimited
On: Friday, March 7th, 2008 7:15am to 8:30am
At: World Trade Centre Edmonton, 600- 9990 Jasper Avenue
Speaker: Greg Campbell from Spieker Point Inc.
Topic: The Changing Face of Enterprise Software
Overview: Greg will be sharing tips and hints on what you the customer should demand from software vendors to better your business.
Each meeting features:
- 20-30 minutes of casual, friendly networking
- business introductions
- keynote speaker
- coffee & muffins
Parking is available on-street (free until 9:00 am), surface lots close to the World Trade Centre Edmonton or in the nearby Library Parking Lot (accessible from 100 Street, a block north of Jasper Avenue).
Price: $2 Members / $5 Non-Members
For more information please contact Heather at 409-7795 or hrumbolt@edmontonchamber.com
We hope to see you this Friday morning at Edmontons Best Networking Club: Opportunities Unlimited
On: Friday, February 8th, 2008 7:15am to 8:30am
At: World Trade Centre Edmonton, 200- 9990 Jasper Avenue
Speaker: Gail Hope from Hope to Help Inc.
Topic: Strengthening Communication and Understanding
Overview: Use skills and mind-set to enhance your personal and professional communication.
"You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it." --Albert Einstein
Each meeting features:
- 20-30 minutes of casual, friendly networking
- business introductions
- keynote speaker
- coffee & muffins
Parking is available on-street (free until 9:00 am), surface lots close to the World Trade Centre Edmonton or in the nearby Library Parking Lot (accessible from 100 Street, a block north of Jasper Avenue).
Price: $2 Members / $5 Non-Members
For more information please contact Heather at 409-7795 or Hrumbolt@edmontonchamber.com
this Friday morning at Edmontons Best Networking Club: Opportunities Unlimited
On: Friday, February 1st, 2008 7:15am to 8:30am
At: World Trade Centre Edmonton, 200- 9990 Jasper Avenue
Speaker: Christine Klar from Canadian Youth Business Association
Topic: Mentoring young professionals for starting successful businesses
Overview: As a business professional, receive key tips on how to mentor young professionals for starting successful businesses.
Each meeting features:
- 20-30 minutes of casual, friendly networking
- business introductions
- keynote speaker
- coffee & muffins
Parking is available on-street (free until 9:00 am), surface lots close to the World Trade Centre Edmonton or in the nearby Library Parking Lot (accessible from 100 Street, a block north of Jasper Avenue).
Price: $2 Members / $5 Non-Members
For more information please contact Heather at 409-7795 or hrumbolt@edmontonchamber.com
We hope to see you this Friday morning at Edmontons Best Networking Club: Opportunities Unlimited
On: Friday, January 25th, 2008 7:15am to 8:30am
At: World Trade Centre Edmonton, 600- 9990 Jasper Avenue
Speaker: Dave Warnock from Vertical Safety
Topic: Emergency Response
Overview: Dave will be highlighting ways to plan responses to common business emergencies.
Each meeting features:
- 20-30 minutes of casual, friendly networking
- business introductions
- keynote speaker
- coffee & muffins
Parking is available on-street (free until 9:00 am), surface lots close to the World Trade Centre Edmonton or in the nearby Library Parking Lot (accessible from 100 Street, a block north of Jasper Avenue).
Price: $2 Members / $5 Non-Members
For more information please contact Heather at 409-7795 or hrumbolt@edmontonchamber.com