Can Google keep current?

One of our customers got this from Google:

Thank you for your reply. Please note that Google's creation of sites'

titles and descriptions (or "snippets") is completely automated and takes

into account both the content of a page as well as references to it that

appear on the web. While we're unable to manually change titles or snippets

for individual sites, please be assured that we're always working to make

them as relevant as possible.

If you're concerned about content in your title or snippet, you may want to

double-check that this content doesn't appear on your site. If it does,

changing it may affect your Google snippet or title after we next crawl your

site. If it doesn't, try searching for the title or snippet

enclosed in quotation marks. This will display pages on the web that refer

to your site using this text. If you contact these webmasters to request

that they change their information about your site, any changes to their

sites will be recognized by our crawler after we next crawl their pages.

Talk about not keeping up to date

Addiotionall 14 July 2006, we found that we had being picked up by Google and a 301 Redirect had to be created.

Furthurmore, Athabasca Lodge Motel is not being correctly picked up by Google .

Google Site maps to the rescue?


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