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Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:34:01 +0000 (UTC)

From: Sam Joshi

Subject: WP partner for NetKnow Internet Knowledge Co.

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Hello Aboo,

I hope you're having a wonderful day.

I just wanted to reach out and send over some information about what we do and see if there is room for us to work together.

QeWebby is a white-label agency that helps companies like yours in their WordPress and WooCommerce projects at just USD 20/hour.

Whether you need help with a couple of projects or support/maintenance tasks or dedicated developers that work directly in your systems, we have you covered.

Our Expertise:

- New website builds and redesign

- Design (PSD, Ai, Adobe XD, PDF, etc.) to WordPress conversion

- WordPress custom development

- WooCommerce development

Why QeWebby?

- No minimum project size

- Free quotations are provided under no obligation

- Strict NDA

- Dedicated account manager

Does this sound like something you are interested in?

A reply would be greatly appreciated.


Sam Joshi | QeWebby

If you are not interested, no problem at all, just click here to let me know. (Ref: 7b642408)


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