Web/ SEO / App development spam from Micorsoft


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

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Sat, 16 Sep 2023 17:40:05 -0600

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 17:40:05 -0600


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From: mike hassy

Subject: =?Windows-1252?Q?Re:_Meeting_Schedule=85=85=3F?=

Thread-Topic: =?Windows-1252?Q?Meeting_Schedule=85=85=3F?=

Thread-Index: AQHZ6LsjMVOQ1GXxNk2ZWwnAStXRCw==

Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 16:30:44 +0000


Accept-Language: en-IN, en-US

Content-Language: en-IN




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Hello Again,

It's a follow-up email in regards to my below email. We are looking forward=

to getting your feedback.

We can tailor all your online and digital needs as per your business nature=

. Book a 15 minutes free consultation via Phone/Skype call and let's give y=

ou our honest opinion, suggestions, and quotation.

Let's have a call and discuss tomorrow.

Thank you.




From:Mike < mikewebapplications@outlook.com>

Sent: 10 July 2023 05:47

Subject: Re: Meeting Schedule=85=85?


I trust you are good with health!!

We are a mobile app development company with offices in USA, Dubai and Indi=

a. We have a strong team of 150+ developers and 15+ years experience in bui=

lding mobile apps using latest technologies for 1500+ clients across the wo=



On-Demand Apps

Education / Online Tutoring Apps

Food Delivery / Table Reservation Apps

Online Shopping Apps

Chatting Applications

Real Estate Apps

Appointment Booking Apps

Travel & Entertainment Apps

* Gift Cards / Loyalty Cards Apps

Looking forward to hearing your idea and/or business needs and help you bui=

ld it!

Thanks & Regards,


Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" class=3D"elementToProof">

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">Hello Again, 


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">It's a follow-up email in regards to my below email. We are loo=

king forward to getting your feedback. <=


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">We can tailor all your online and digital needs as per your bus=

iness nature. Book a 15 minutes free consultation via Phone/Skype call and =

let's give you our honest opinion, suggestions,

and quotation. 

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">Let's have a call and discuss tomorrow.

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">Thank you. 

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">




libri, sans-serif">

bri;mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-latin" class=3D"ContentPasted0">
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;mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-latin" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 
10 July 2023 05:47


libri, sans-serif">

;mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-latin" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 
Re: Meeting Schedule=85=85?


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

=3D"mso-spacerun:yes" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">I trust you are good with health!!

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">We are a mobile app development company with offices in USA, Du=

bai and India. We have a strong team of 150+ developers and 15+ years exper=

ience in building mobile apps using latest

technologies for 1500+ clients across the world.

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

ontentPasted0">OUR EXPERTISE:

size: 12pt; color: black;"> 

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


  • ContentPasted0">On-Demand Apps 

  • class=3D"ContentPasted0">Education / Online Tutoring Apps

  • size: 12pt; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0">Food Delivery / Table R=

    eservation Apps 

  • pan lang=3D"EN-US" style=3D"font-size: 12pt; color: black;" class=3D"Conten=

    tPasted0">Online Shopping Apps 


  • class=3D"ContentPasted0">Chatting Applications

  • color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0">Real Estate Apps

  • size: 12pt; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0">Appointment Booking App=


  • -US" style=3D"font-size: 12pt; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0">Trav=

    el & Entertainment Apps 

  • ss=3D"ContentPasted0">Gift Cards / Loyalty Cards Apps

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">


Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

entPasted0">Looking forward to hearing you=

r idea and/or business needs
 and help you build it!

Calibri, sans-serif; background: white;">

ontentPasted0">Thanks & Regards,

=3D"font-size: 12pt; color: black;"> 

ily:Calibri, sans-serif">




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