web SEO development spam from Google Gmail
Posted by Dave Yadallee onEnvelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca
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Fri, 15 Sep 2023 13:33:15 -0600
Resent-From: The Doctor
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Fri, 15 Sep 2023 13:01:34 -0600
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From: SKG Animation
To: root@nk.ca
Reply-To: SKG Animation
Subject: Hello
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Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 18:59:24 +0000
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Hello Dave Yadallee,
Hope you are doing fine.
We are team of two (me & my husband) please check our latest work, and =
contact [https://skganimation.com/contact]us, if you are looking for=
or illustrations for your story, trailer, show, movie, or just =
to promote your
concept. We do all work from 2d design, illustration to
We do character design =
[https://skganimation.com/character-design], background
design [https://skganimation.com/illustration], comic design
[https://skganimation.com/illustration], concept design
[https://skganimation.com/illustration], children book illustrations
[https://skganimation.com/childrenbook-illustration], cover design
[https://skganimation.com/childrenbook-illustration], storyboards
[https://skganimation.com/illustration], 2d flash animation
[https://skganimation.com/animation] and 2d cell animation
[https://skganimation.com/animation] etc. Check our 2d animation projects
We'll look forward to your response to discuss about your project or just =
discuss the possibility.
Best Regards,
Sumit Kumar/Divya Parashar
SKG Animation / Freelance 2d animator's and =
Website: www.skganimation.com [http://www.skganimation.com]
Email: contact@skganimation.com [contact@skganimation.com]
Facebook [https://cdn.tools.unlayer.com/social/icons/rounded-black/facebook=
Twitter [https://cdn.tools.=
LinkedIn [https://cdn.tools.unlayer.=
YouTube [https://cdn.tools.unlayer.=
Skype [https://cdn.tools.unlayer.=
Email [https://cdn.tools.unlayer.com/social/icons/rounded-black/email.png]
If you do not wish to receive =
such emails in future, please unsubscribe here
MailBluster email marketing
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=3D"font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">Hello Dave Yadallee,
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We are team of two (me & my husband) please check our latest work, and =
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s, if you are looking for animation or illustrations for your story, traile=
r, show, movie, or just to promote your concept. We do all work from 2d des=
ign, illustration to animation.
ntact@skganimation.com" style=3D"line-height: inherit; color: #057bde; text=
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>children book illustrations,
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it; color: #057bde; text-decoration: none;">2d cell animation etc. Chec=
k our
style=3D"line-height: inherit; color: #057bde; text-decoration: none;">2d =
animation projects.
font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">We'll look forward to your response =
to discuss about your project or just to discuss the possibility.
font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">Thankyou!
font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">Best Regards,
font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">Sumit Kumar/Divya Parashar
font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">SKG Animation / Freelance 2d animato=
r's and illustrator's
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font-size: 16px; line-height: 27.2px;">Email:
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