Medical spam/phish from CloudWebManage New York City



Delivery-date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:31:00 -0600

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Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:30:40 -0600

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 00:30:40 -0600


Resent-To: Dave Yadallee

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Wed, 17 Aug 2022 19:00:30 -0600

From:_Hair Health

Subject:_Doctor Forced To Resign After Unveiling Hair Regrowth Hack

Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2022 02:59:04 +0200


Reply-To: "Adobe Creative Cloud"

MIME-Version: 1.0

X-mailer: nlserver, Build 6.7.0


X-250ok-CID: P26341-121020

TenantHeader: 1d0e6311-6f98-4c5b-8b0e-rWM5LDPcfDUFB1j6IO8jxNT

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X-cust_MessageID: 1938757681

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MessageRetryPeriod: 3600

MessageWebValidityDuration: 2592000

MessageValidityDuration: 432000


Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"

X-Spam_score: 10.8

X-Spam_score_int: 108

X-Spam_bar: ++++++++++

X-Spam_report: Spam detection software, running on the system "",

has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original

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similar future email. If you have any questions, see

@@CONTACT_ADDRESS@@ for details.

Content preview: This is shocking! A weird doctor from New Jersey was forced

out of his practice after he unveiled a billion-dollar secret he wasn't supposed

to know. The real reasonwhy you are losing your hair…

Content analysis details: (10.8 points, 5.0 required)

pts rule name description

---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------

-0.0 SPF_HELO_PASS SPF: HELO matches SPF record

0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message

0.7 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_28 BODY: HTML: images with 2400-2800 bytes of


1.1 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts

2.4 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100 Razor2 gives engine 8 confidence level

above 50%

[cf: 100]

0.4 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 Razor2 gives confidence level above 50%

[cf: 100]

1.7 RAZOR2_CHECK Listed in Razor2 (

0.0 FSL_BULK_SIG Bulk signature with no Unsubscribe

1.3 RDNS_NONE Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS

-0.0 T_SCC_BODY_TEXT_LINE No description available.

0.6 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG HTML-only message, but there is no HTML


2.5 HDRS_MISSP Misspaced headers

0.0 FROM_MISSP_REPLYTO From misspaced, has Reply-To

0.0 TO_NO_BRKTS_NORDNS_HTML To: misformatted and no rDNS and HTML


Subject: {SPAM?} _Doctor Forced To Resign After Unveiling Hair Regrowth Hack

This is shocking!

A weird doctor from New Jersey was forced out of his practice after he unveiled a billion-dollar secret he wasn't supposed to know.

The real reasonwhy you are losing your hair…

And the simple daily habit you can do to restore it, no matter of your age or current condition.

His secret is so amazing, it sent the entire hair regrowth industry back to the drawing board, and it’s currently losing them millions of dollars.

His method is available for a very short period of time and only to selected people.

See if you qualify here...


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