NetKnow now in Netcraft`s Top 12500

Netknow now ranks 12492 at Netcraft. A slight increase towards 12400 and beyond.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 209923 from 209932 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 69018 from 72692 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP

is at 700024 from 707148 and non-anonymous rank 239652 from 240697 .

ranks 687051 from 693801 on Netcraft.

ranks at 826847 from 837887.


is at 827311 from 838315 . ranks 1330290 from 1367925 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta,


We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 1420 from 1419 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 2942 from 2935 .

Next we have Telus ranked by Netcraft at 1441 from 1441 .

A customer of theirs
rank 401 from 402 .

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by netcraft at 515368 from 516199.

We at Netknow are up 31 from 12521 and 3249 from the beginning of the year from 15741. We aim to be 200 ahead of Shaw Cable by the end of May 2007 and beyond Shaw's reach after that.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12527 from 12547 . Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Web Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 422271 from 422514 .

One of the customers ranks 675340 from 677472 . Another customer of Shaw Avalon Global rank 759122 from 762451 . And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is at 684063 from 695231 .

The University of Alberta ranks 21694 from 22001 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 27651 from 27526. Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 552401 from 556280.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 61856 from 61667 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 300011 from 302663 . One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.

The City of Edmonton ranks 87068 from 86925 by Netcraft.

The government of Alberta Website ranks 94894 from 94748 by Netcraft .

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 108704 from 108436.

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 114968 from 114680 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 132097 from 131827 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wirelessranks 847932 from 852502. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 2821 from 2825 . Very Interesting! Another of their customers
Also another of their clients
CA Registrar ranks 637892 from 639736 and msmart of Edmonton ranks 800154 from 804002. One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks
ranks at 663426 from 665588 and are at 841348 from 846345 on Netcraft .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 135236 from 135051 .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 192701 from 193242 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

Internet Centre rank 208846 from 209105 and on Telus Communications Server.

xplornet ranks 240992 from 243820 and are listed with OSCO Computers Inc of New Brunswick.

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 265672 from 265942 .

MacEwan ranks 305322 from 306395 .

airsurfer.carank 435560 from 437242 by Netcraft .

I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Computer Engineeringranks 503902 from 506812 . Thank you Scott. And they seem to be hosted by which ranks at 1589590 from 1595889 .

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 591236 from 595889 .

TIC Internet ranks 622878 from 624517 (I do remember you).

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 628474 from 630229 by Netcraft .

Wild Rose Internet ranks 639876 from 641817 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Shaw.

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 640994 from 642926 and their customer Found Locally ranks at 102098 from 102242. Interesting!

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 674979 from 677132 by Netcraft

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 676866 from 683413 .

Interspots of Edmonton rank 723159 from 731179; a customer of theirs ranks 832939 from 844033 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design ranks 862942 from 875340 on Netcraft. BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!

Media Shakers of Edmonton ranks 864168 from 876580 .

Core Network Solutions Inc. ranks at 990135 from 1007816 .

Leduc Data ranks 1052760 from 1073421 and somehow using Shaw Communications.

Elite Web Hosting Inc. now ranks 1053093 from 1073764 .

Koi Media rank 2220668 from 2359786 .

The Network Centre ranks 3184643 from 3538987 .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.


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