Web/SEO/App spam from Micrisift Outlook

X-Mozilla-Status: 0001

X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Delivery-date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 06:29:00 -0700

Received: from doctor by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with local (Exim 4.98 (FreeBSD))

(envelope-from )

id 1tbgDa-00000000HcQ-1bg2

for dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca;

Sat, 25 Jan 2025 06:28:58 -0700

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 06:28:58 -0700


Resent-To: Dave Yadallee

Received: from mail-dm6nam11olkn2019.outbound.protection.outlook.com ([]:29121 helo=NAM11-DM6-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com)

by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with esmtps (TLS1.3) tls TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

(Exim 4.98 (FreeBSD))

(envelope-from )

id 1tbbAq-00000000Gmh-352A

for root@nk.ca;

Sat, 25 Jan 2025 01:05:54 -0700

ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector10001; d=microsoft.com; cv=none;


ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=microsoft.com;





ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; mx.microsoft.com 1; spf=none; dmarc=none;

dkim=none; arc=none

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=outlook.com;





Received: from SA1P223MB0839.NAMP223.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10b6:806:3d0::18)

by CY5P223MB0537.NAMP223.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10b6:930:26::18) with

Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,

cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.8377.19; Sat, 25 Jan

2025 08:03:41 +0000

Received: from SA1P223MB0839.NAMP223.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM

([fe80::2afc:1fe:541e:3e16]) by SA1P223MB0839.NAMP223.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM

([fe80::2afc:1fe:541e:3e16%5]) with mapi id 15.20.8377.009; Sat, 25 Jan 2025

08:03:41 +0000

From: Priyansh Sharma

Subject: Web Design

Thread-Topic: Web Design

Thread-Index: AQHbbv+lMrTpB6G/TE2vxQ3pmdTZHQ==

Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2025 08:03:40 +0000


Accept-Language: en-US

Content-Language: en-US




x-ms-publictraffictype: Email

x-ms-traffictypediagnostic: SA1P223MB0839:EE_|CY5P223MB0537:EE_

x-ms-office365-filtering-correlation-id: b047ce19-0988-49a6-ed28-08dd3d16c7ff
























x-ms-exchange-antispam-messagedata-chunkcount: 1

























Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


MIME-Version: 1.0

X-OriginatorOrg: outlook.com

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: SA1P223MB0839.NAMP223.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-RMS-PersistedConsumerOrg: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: b047ce19-0988-49a6-ed28-08dd3d16c7ff

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-originalarrivaltime: 25 Jan 2025 08:03:40.9956


X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-fromentityheader: Hosted

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-id: 84df9e7f-e9f6-40af-b435-aaaaaaaaaaaa

X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-rms-persistedconsumerorg: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: CY5P223MB0537

X-Spam_score: 7.2

X-Spam_score_int: 72

X-Spam_bar: +++++++

X-Spam_report: Spam detection software, running on the system "doctor.nl2k.ab.ca",

has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original

message has been attached to this so you can view it or label

similar future email. If you have any questions, see

@@CONTACT_ADDRESS@@ for details.

Content preview: Hi, I hope you are well. I am from India. I am reaching out

to see if there is anything that would like to upgrade, repair, or redesign

on your site. I am a web Designer / Developer that can do just a [...]

Content analysis details: (7.2 points, 5.0 required)

pts rule name description

---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------

1.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL RBL: AHBL: sender is listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


0.0 RCVD_IN_AHBL_RTB RBL: AHBL: Real-Time Blocked in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

1.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL_SPAM RBL: AHBL: Spam Source in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

0.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL_SMTP RBL: AHBL: Open SMTP relay in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

0.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL_PROXY RBL: AHBL: Open Proxy server in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

1.0 RCVD_IN_WSFF RBL: Received via a relay in will-spam-for-food.eu.org

[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[2603:10b6:806:3d0:0:0:0:18 listed in]


[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

-0.2 RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2 RBL: Average reputation (+2)

[ listed in wl.mailspike.net]

-0.0 SPF_PASS SPF: sender matches SPF record

-0.0 SPF_HELO_PASS SPF: HELO matches SPF record

0.0 ARC_SIGNED Message has a ARC signature

-0.1 DKIM_VALID_EF Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from

envelope-from domain

0.0 ARC_VALID Message has a valid ARC signature

0.1 DKIM_SIGNED Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid

-0.1 DKIM_VALID Message has at least one valid DKIM or DK signature

-0.1 DKIM_VALID_AU Message has a valid DKIM or DK signature from author's


1.2 MISSING_HEADERS Missing To: header

-0.0 T_RP_MATCHES_RCVD Envelope sender domain matches handover relay


0.0 FREEMAIL_FROM Sender email is commonly abused enduser mail provider


0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message

1.4 MALFORMED_FREEMAIL Bad headers on message from free email service

Subject: {SPAM?} Web Design


Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


I hope you are well. I am from India.

I am reaching out to see if there is anything that would like to upgrade, r=

epair, or redesign on your site.

I am a web Designer / Developer that can do just about anything you can ima=

gine at very inexpensive prices.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks & Regards


Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


, Aptos_EmbeddedFont, Aptos_MSFontService, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; =

font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

Hi,            =



, Aptos_EmbeddedFont, Aptos_MSFontService, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; =

font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

I hope you are well. I am from India.      &n=


, Aptos_EmbeddedFont, Aptos_MSFontService, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; =

font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

I am reaching out to see if there is anything that would like to upgrade, r=

epair, or redesign on your site.       &=

nbsp;           &nbs=

p;            &=


, Aptos_EmbeddedFont, Aptos_MSFontService, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; =

font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

I am a web Designer / Developer that can do just about anything you can ima=

gine at very inexpensive prices.       &=

nbsp;           &nbs=

p;            &=


, Aptos_EmbeddedFont, Aptos_MSFontService, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; =

font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

Let me know what you think.        =



, Aptos_EmbeddedFont, Aptos_MSFontService, Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; =

font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">

Thanks & Regards

Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">


Royal Bank of Canada Phish

X-Mozilla-Status: 0001

X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Delivery-date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:22:00 -0700

Received: from doctor by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with local (Exim 4.98 (FreeBSD))

(envelope-from )

id 1tbS3D-00000000M38-3ZEo

for dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca;

Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:21:19 -0700

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:21:19 -0700


Resent-To: Dave Yadallee

Received: from [] (port=57263 helo=mg.ordertaker.in)

by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with esmtp (Exim 4.98 (FreeBSD))

(envelope-from )

id 1tbQfb-000000008TJ-2qrE

for doctor@edmontonab.ca;

Fri, 24 Jan 2025 13:52:56 -0700

From: RBC Royal

To: doctor@edmontonab.ca

Subject: Account Suspension.

Date: 24 Jan 2025 12:52:40 -0800

Message-ID: <20250124125240.2E15011EAB962813@mg.ordertaker.in>

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/html

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

X-Spam_score: 23.4

X-Spam_score_int: 234

X-Spam_bar: +++++++++++++++++++++++

X-Spam_report: Spam detection software, running on the system "doctor.nl2k.ab.ca",

has identified this incoming email as possible spam. The original

message has been attached to this so you can view it or label

similar future email. If you have any questions, see

@@CONTACT_ADDRESS@@ for details.

Content preview: Royal Bank of Canada Hello,

Content analysis details: (23.4 points, 5.0 required)

pts rule name description

---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------

1.5 RCVD_IN_SBL_XBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus SBL+XBL

[ listed in sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org]

1.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL RBL: AHBL: sender is listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

0.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL_PROXY RBL: AHBL: Open Proxy server in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

0.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL_SMTP RBL: AHBL: Open SMTP relay in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

1.5 RCVD_IN_AHBL_SPAM RBL: AHBL: Spam Source in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

0.0 RCVD_IN_AHBL_RTB RBL: AHBL: Real-Time Blocked in dnsbl.ahbl.org

[ listed in dnsbl.ahbl.org]

1.0 RCVD_IN_WSFF RBL: Received via a relay in will-spam-for-food.eu.org

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

[ listed in will-spam-for-food.eu.org]

3.6 RCVD_IN_SBL_CSS RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus SBL-CSS

[ listed in zen.spamhaus.org]

2.5 URIBL_DBL_SPAM Contains a spam URL listed in the DBL blocklist

[URI: et-txn00.com]

0.1 URIBL_SBL_A Contains URL's A record listed in the SBL blocklist

[URI: a.dnspod.com/]

[URI: b.dnspod.com/]

[URI: b.dnspod.com/]

[URI: c.dnspod.com/]

[URI: a.dnspod.com/]

[URI: b.dnspod.com/]

[URI: c.dnspod.com/]

[URI: c.dnspod.com/]

[URI: a.dnspod.com/]

[URI: a.dnspod.com/]

[URI: et-txn00.com/]

1.0 SPF_SOFTFAIL SPF: sender does not match SPF record (softfail)

0.9 SPF_HELO_SOFTFAIL SPF: HELO does not match SPF record (softfail)

1.1 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts

0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message

0.6 HTML_MIME_NO_HTML_TAG HTML-only message, but there is no HTML tag

0.0 HTML_FONT_TINY_NORDNS Font too small to read, no rDNS

1.3 RDNS_NONE Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS

0.0 TO_NO_BRKTS_NORDNS_HTML To: misformatted and no rDNS and HTML only

1.7 RAZOR2_CHECK Listed in Razor2 (http://razor.sf.net/)

0.4 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100 Razor2 gives confidence level above 50%

[cf: 100]

2.4 RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100 Razor2 gives engine 8 confidence level

above 50%

[cf: 100]

1.3 FSL_BULK_SIG Bulk signature with no Unsubscribe

Subject: {SPAM?} Account Suspension.

ass=3D"row row-1" role=3D"presentation" style=3D"font-family: "Times N=

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5px; width: 125px; padding-right: 0px;">

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h: 56px; max-width: 100%;" width=3D"56" />

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irection: ltr; font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, s=

ans-serif; font-size: 14px; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 16.8px;">

0px;">Royal Bank of Canada

ass=3D"row row-2" role=3D"presentation" style=3D"font-family: "Times N=

ew Roman"; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: medium;" width=3D"100%">

class=3D"row-content stack" role=3D"presentation" style=3D"width: 500px;" =


g-bottom: 5px; padding-top: 5px; vertical-align: top; border-width: 0px; bo=

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agraph_block block-1" role=3D"presentation" style=3D"word-break: break-word=

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Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;=

letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 16.8px;">

0px 0px 16px;">Hello,

0px;">Your RBC online access has been revoked!


0px;">To unlock and gain access follow the instructions below.

ton_block block-2" role=3D"presentation" width=3D"100%">


round-color: rgb(6, 120, 216); border-radius: 0px; width: auto; border-widt=

h: 0px; border-style: solid; border-color: transparent; padding-top: 5px; p=

adding-bottom: 5px; font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helveti=

ca, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; word-break: keep-all;">
et-txn00.com" style=3D"box-sizing: border-box; text-decoration-line: none; =

color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
left: 30px; padding-right: 30px; display: inline-block;">
style=3D"box-sizing: border-box; word-break: break-word; line-height: 28px;=

">Click to gain accss

ider_block block-4" role=3D"presentation" width=3D"100%">


esentation" width=3D"100%">

nt-size: 1px; line-height: 1px; border-top: 2px solid rgb(79, 75, 75);">
an style=3D"box-sizing: border-box;"> 

graph_block block-5" role=3D"presentation" style=3D"word-break: break-word;=

" width=3D"100%">

ection: ltr; font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, san=

s-serif; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 0px; line-height: 14.4px;">

0px;">      Privac=

y & Security

ider_block block-6" role=3D"presentation" width=3D"100%">


esentation" width=3D"100%">

nt-size: 1px; line-height: 1px; border-top: 2px solid rgb(79, 75, 75);">
an style=3D"box-sizing: border-box;">