Web/ SEO / App development spam from Microsoft


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Delivery-date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 13:48:00 -0600

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id 1quHwM-000Cgh-21

for dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca;

Sat, 21 Oct 2023 13:47:18 -0600

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 13:47:18 -0600


Resent-To: Dave Yadallee

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id 1quEol-000CmT-2h

for sales@nk.ca;

Sat, 21 Oct 2023 10:27:20 -0600

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16:24:02 +0000

From: "Anushka Singh"

To: "Anushka Singh"

Subject: SEO Proposal..!

Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 21:52:53 +0530


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I found your detail on Google.com and I have looked at your website and

realize your website is great design but your website ranking not good all

search engine Google, Aol, Yahoo and Bing.

Do you want more targeted visitors on your website?

We can place your website on Google's 1st page. Yahoo, etc.).

let me know if you are interested, I will send you our Company details &



Anushka Singh


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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

osoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w=3D"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" =

xmlns:m=3D"http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns=3D"http:=






found your detail on

Google.com and I have looked at your website and realize your website is gr=


design but your website ranking not good all search engine Google, Aol, Yah=


and Bing.


o you want more targeted

visitors on your website?


e can place your website

on Google's 1st page. Yahoo, etc.).


et me know if you are

interested, I will send you our Company details & cost.





nushka Singh


Nigerian spam from Google Gmail


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Delivery-date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 06:16:00 -0600

Received: from doctor by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with local (Exim 4.96.2 (FreeBSD))

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id 1quAsh-000PcR-06

for dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca;

Sat, 21 Oct 2023 06:15:03 -0600

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 06:15:03 -0600


Resent-To: Dave Yadallee

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(Exim 4.96.2 (FreeBSD))

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Sat, 21 Oct 2023 03:42:10 -0600

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Reply-To: philipmosaki@gmail.com

From: Philip Mosakki

Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 02:39:39 -0700


Subject: Re: This is to inform you about the death of my late client a

nationality of your country and his fund 12.5 million Euro to be paid to you

as his next of kin beneficiary, Waiting to hear from you"

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Subject: {SPAM?} Re: This is to inform you about the death of my late client a

nationality of your country and his fund 12.5 million Euro to be paid to you

as his next of kin beneficiary, Waiting to hear from you"

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X-Antivirus-Status: Clean


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Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"


Web/ SEO / App development spam from Microsoft


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Delivery-date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 06:23:00 -0600

Received: from doctor by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with local (Exim 4.96.2 (FreeBSD))

(envelope-from )

id 1quAsT-000PTU-2j

for dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca;

Sat, 21 Oct 2023 06:14:49 -0600

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 06:14:49 -0600


Resent-To: Dave Yadallee

Received: from mail-os0jpn01olkn2050.outbound.protection.outlook.com ([]:42479 helo=JPN01-OS0-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com)

by doctor.nl2k.ab.ca with esmtps (TLS1.2) tls TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384

(Exim 4.96.2 (FreeBSD))

(envelope-from )

id 1qu7y0-0006n7-2B

for root@nk.ca;

Sat, 21 Oct 2023 03:08:26 -0600

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09:05:22 +0000

From: Jennifer Louie

Subject: Re:Inexpensive Website & App Solutions............?

Thread-Topic: Re:Inexpensive Website & App Solutions............?

Thread-Index: AQHaA/240newVkKyYE+fsQDzS6LOHg==

Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 09:05:22 +0000


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I hope you are doing well and have time to read my proposal.

We are a custom software development and consulting company focusing on web=

, mobile, erp, blockchain, desktop and embedded software development.

We have trusted and authenticated resources and we specialize in:

1) Web Designer at $12/hr.

2) Website development on WordPress at $15/hr.

3) Website development on PHP, Joomla , Drupal at $15/hr.

4) Microsoft .Net Development at $18/hr.

5) Android Mobile Application Development at $20/hr.

6) iOS Mobile Application Development at $20/hr.

We can provide you better rates for full time resource hiring.

If you are looking for any of these services from our side, please send you=

r full requirement one of our technical experts will contact you for furthe=

r discussions.

Looking forward to talking to you soon. Thanks!

Regards & Thanks,

Note: If you don=92t want further mails from us, please reply with =93Remov=

e from list=94.


Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Calibri, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" clas=


imes New Roman", serif; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; background: white; color: rgb(34, 34, 34=

);" class=3D"ContentPasted0">Hi,

-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; co=

lor: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36,=


f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" cla=


amily: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=

tPasted0">I hope you are doing well and have time to read my proposal.
1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"=

", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">=


f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" cla=


amily: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=

tPasted0">We are a custom software development and consulting company focus=

ing on web, mobile,

erp, blockchain, desktop and embedded software development.

n style=3D"font-size: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt n=

one windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> =

, sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);"> =

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" cla=


amily: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=

tPasted0">We have trusted and authenticated resources and we specialize in:=

rder: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPas=


oe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0c=

m; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

-size: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36=

, 36, 36);"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


uot;, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34,=

34, 34);" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> Web

Designer at $12/hr.

ibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;"=


nt-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


uot;, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34,=

34, 34);" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> Website

development on WordPress at $15/hr.

font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm=

; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

size: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36,=

36, 36);"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


uot;, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34,=

34, 34);" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> Website

development on PHP, Joomla , Drupal at $15/hr.

ize: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; p=

adding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

le=3D"font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; col=

or: rgb(36, 36, 36);"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


uot;, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34,=

34, 34);" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> Microsoft

.Net Development at $18/hr.

ily: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color:=

black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36)=


f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


uot;, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34,=

34, 34);" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> Android

Mobile Application Development at $20/hr.

11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; paddin=

g: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

"font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: r=

gb(36, 36, 36);"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


uot;, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34,=

34, 34);" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> iOS

Mobile Application Development at $20/hr.

11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; paddin=

g: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

"font-size: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: r=

gb(36, 36, 36);"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" cla=


amily: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=

tentPasted0">*We can provide you better rates for full time resource hiring=


if; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"Cont=


ot;Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" cla=


amily: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=

tPasted0">If you are looking for any of these services from our side, =

please send your full requirement

one of our technical experts will contact you for further discussions.

rder: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPas=


oe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=


Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: blac=

k;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">
:p class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=

tPasted0">Looking forward to talking to you soon. Thanks!

=3D"font-size: 11pt; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none win=

dowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 
serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);"> <=


f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=


, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" cla=


amily: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

r: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Con=

tentPasted0">Regards & Thanks,

; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0=

cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

t-size: 11.5pt; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(3=

6, 36, 36);"> 

f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: rgb(34, 34, 34);" class=3D"Conten=

tPasted0">Note: If you don=92t want further mails from us, please reply wit=

h =93Remove from list=94.

: Calibri, sans-serif; border: 1pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: bl=

ack;" class=3D"ContentPasted0"> 

t; font-family: "Segoe UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">=


f; margin: 0cm; background: white;">

pt none windowtext; padding: 0cm; color: black;" class=3D"ContentPasted0">&=


e UI", sans-serif; color: rgb(36, 36, 36);">

ily:"Times New Roman", serif;margin-right:0cm;margin-left:0cm">



Business listing phish


Envelope-to: dave@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca

Delivery-date: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 20:00:00 -0600

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Fri, 20 Oct 2023 19:59:57 -0600

Resent-From: The Doctor

Resent-Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 19:59:57 -0600


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Message-ID: <65b9bebad757d9abff0c229f4a0bd18c@swift.generated>

Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 00:05:18 +0000

Subject: Reminder: claim your internet service provider service listing

From: Businesses10

Reply-To: Businesses10

To: root@nk.ca

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Dear Netknow Internet Service,

Thank you for starting to claim your=

listing page on Businesses10.

According to our records you have not comp=

leted the verification process yet,

which involves using the phone number=

or email address associated with the page

to verify your ownership. We s=

uggest you retry by logging back to your account=20



businesses10.com/login/101520784895984?e=3D32785368 =20

Once you are l=

ogged on, click the "Claim ownership" or "Resend" button to

receive a new=

code. It could take a few minutes to arrive,

and please remember to chec=

k your Junk Mail folder if you can't find it.

After you have successfu=

lly claimed the page, you will be able to edit and

refresh the contents t=

o keep the information up to date and make the page

more appealing to vis=

itors. You will also have the option to promote your

listing to the top p=

osition in your area by pressing the Upgrade button.

Thank you for bei=

ng a part of Businesses10.=20

Best regards,



Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

iv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3DUTF-8" />
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dit=3D"header_image" mc:allowdesigner mc:allowtext />

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Dear Netknow Interne=

t Service

Thank you for starting to claim your listing page on =

. According to our records you have not completed the verif=

ication process yet, which involves using the phone number or email address=

associated with the page to verify your ownership. If you would like to re=

try, please
4?e=3D32785368">click here to log back on to your account


Once you are logged on, click the "Claim ownership" or "Resend" button to =

receive a new code. It could take a few minutes to arrive, and please remem=

ber to check your Junk Mail folder if you can't find it.

After you=

have successfully claimed the page, you will be able to edit and refresh t=

he contents to keep the information up to date and make the page more appea=

ling to visitors. You will also have the option to promote your listing to =

the top position in your area by pressing the Upgrade button.


k you for being a part of Businesses10.

Best regards,=


" width=3D"480" id=3D"templateFooter">

r=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"10" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"100%">

Businesses10 2023

strong>Our mailing address is:

subscribe?e=3D32785368" target=3D"_blank">Unsubscribe

