NetKnow now in the Top 267250

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the Netcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 270679 at Netcraft .

A significant decrease! We must do security audits regularly and check on illegitimate traffic hitting the web server!

We are now redirecting all traffic to Secured general server which now ranks 267221 from 260325 and pfs compliant .

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 132946 from 121759 on Netcraft and pfs compliant .

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 265077 from 264130 last week on Netcraft and Secured secondary server using the wildcard certificate is at 15413 from 15070.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 530591 from 528876 and non-anonymous ranks 462691 from 461159.

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 on Netcraft.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000.

is at >2000000 from >2000000 .

ranks > 2000000 from >2000000

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 12724 from 12928.

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at >2000000 from >2000000 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers

Reviews of Telus are available :


Rogers Business Solutions

which rank 13327 from 13418

Netknow again

We at Netknow are at 267221 from 244722 the start of the April 2019 .

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 20927 from 21067 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 168278 from 162384.

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 40747 from 41074 hosted by Amazon Techonologies.

Shaw Cable


ranks 657336 from 655440 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 43391 from 43696 . Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 475418 from 522750 .

Reviews of Shaw are available :

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 63676 from 63384 by Netcraft

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

NAIT ranks 74021 from 73764 hosted by Microsoft .


TekSavvy ranks 141265 from 139277.

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 151613 from 150149 by Netcraft.



ranks 298729 from 290147 and now points to BLACKIRON_DataCentres ranked >2000000 from >2000000.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 322650 from 326076 .



ranks 338138 from 327203 and are listed with

Stentor and are joining up with Shaw.

According to an article in the Sherwood Park Independent they are also getting an Alberta Government subsidy.

Distributel / 3Web / CIA


is ranked 502604 from 488911 and seems to be hosted in Brazil.

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at Netcraft Rank 1338458 from 1333751

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 1631122 from 1621436

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 1691867 from 1685498 with

ranking >2000000 from >2000000 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

sold to Xplornet.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 and

Go Edmonton ranks >2000000 from >2000000.

Alberta political blogger Daveberta ranks >2000000 from >2000000; interesting!!!

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

and check Google for more reviews; just search tera byte.


Yellowpencil Ranks 1983063 from 1702414

Alentus / Wolfpaw


rank by Netcraft 2005831 from 1998587 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

which ranks at >2000000 from >2000000

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000. Their partner Rack Nine ranks > 2000000.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft >2000000 from >2000000

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft ?????? from ?????? due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.

Clearwave Broadband

Clearwave Broadband ranks

at >2000000 from >2000000

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position >2000000 from >2000000 and are being hosted on Amazon.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks >2000000 from >2000000.


4web ranks >2000000 from >2000000 .

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

bought out by Xplornet .

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte and bought out by Xplornet

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 ( I do remember you).

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 by Netcraft


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks >2000000 from >2000000

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank >2000000 from >2000000


ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and seems to be connected with Shaw.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 .

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and are linked with Telus high Speed.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at > 2000000 from > 2000000 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at > 2000000 from > 2000000


Interspots of Edmonton

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000 hosted by Stentor and acquired by Techalta ;

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in the Top 260350

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the Netcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 266448 at Netcraft .

A significant decrease! We must do security audits regularly and check on illegitimate traffic hitting the web server!

We are now redirecting all traffic to Secured general server which now ranks 260325 from 246393 and pfs compliant .

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 121759 from 111473 on Netcraft and pfs compliant .

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 264130 from 263527 last week on Netcraft and Secured secondary server using the wildcard certificate is at 15070 from 14389.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 528876 from 527405 and non-anonymous ranks 461159 from 459763.

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 on Netcraft.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000.

is at >2000000 from >2000000 .

ranks > 2000000 from >2000000

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 12928 from 12875.

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at >2000000 from >2000000 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers

Reviews of Telus are available :


Rogers Business Solutions

which rank 13418 from 13441

Netknow again

We at Netknow are at 260325 from 244722 the start of the April 2019 .

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 21067 from 21125 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 162384 from 149129.

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 41074 from 41368 hosted by Amazon TEchonologies.

Shaw Cable


ranks 655440 from 653865 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 43696 from 43076 . Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 522750 from 623224 .

Reviews of Shaw are available :

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 63384 from 62665 by Netcraft

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

NAIT ranks 73764 from 72943 hosted by Microsoft .


TekSavvy ranks 139277 from 135272.

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 150149 from 160645 by Netcraft.



ranks 290147 from 289480 and now points to BLACKIRON_DataCentres ranked >2000000 from >2000000.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 326076 from 325014 .



ranks 327203 from 330969 and are listed with

Stentor and are joining up with Shaw.

According to an article in the Sherwood Park Independent they are also getting an Alberta Government subsidy.

Distributel / 3Web / CIA


is ranked 488911 from 499189 and seems to be hosted in Brazil.

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at Netcraft Rank 1333751 from 1330126

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 1621436 from 1612698

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 1685498 from 1217555 with

ranking >2000000 from >2000000 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

sold to Xplornet.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 and

Go Edmonton ranks >2000000 from >2000000.

Alberta political blogger Daveberta ranks >2000000 from >2000000; interesting!!!

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

and check Google for more reviews; just search tera byte.


Yellowpencil Ranks 1702414 from 1696767

Alentus / Wolfpaw


rank by Netcraft 1998587 from 1991628 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

which ranks at >2000000 from >2000000

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000. Their partner Rack Nine ranks > 2000000.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft >2000000 from >2000000

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft ?????? from ?????? due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.

Clearwave Broadband

Clearwave Broadband ranks

at >2000000 from >2000000

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position >2000000 from >2000000 and are being hosted on Amazon.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks >2000000 from >2000000.


4web ranks >2000000 from >2000000 .

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

bought out by Xplornet .

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte and bought out by Xplornet

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 ( I do remember you).

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 by Netcraft


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks >2000000 from >2000000

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank >2000000 from >2000000


ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and seems to be connected with Shaw.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 .

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and are linked with Telus high Speed.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at > 2000000 from > 2000000 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at > 2000000 from > 2000000


Interspots of Edmonton

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000 hosted by Stentor and acquired by Techalta ;

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's top 224500

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the Netcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 255611 at Netcraft .

A significant decrease! We must do security audits regularly and check on illegitimate traffic hitting the web server!

We are now redirecting all traffic to Secured general server which now ranks 244722 from 224882 and pfs compliant .

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 102772 from 99062 on Netcraft and pfs compliant .

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 261635 from 248989 last week on Netcraft and Secured secondary server using the wildcard certificate is at 14025 from 13930.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 524049 from 521027 and non-anonymous rank 467273 from 464497.

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 on Netcraft.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000.

is at >2000000 from >2000000 .

ranks > 2000000 from >2000000

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 12860 from 12640.

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at >2000000 from >2000000 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers

Reviews of Telus are available :


Rogers Business Solutions

which rank 13512 from 13673

Netknow again

We at Netknow are at 244722 from 224882 the start of the April 2019 .

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 21197 from 20921 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 143375 from 140931.

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 41214 from 40956 hosted by Amazon TEchonologies.

Shaw Cable


ranks 700937 from 725710 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 43618 from 43788 . Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 580703 from 544082 .

Reviews of Shaw are available :

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 63108 from 63683 by Netcraft

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

NAIT ranks 73859 from 73425 hosted by Microsoft .


TekSavvy ranks 129025 from 128340.

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 159653 from 156790 by Netcraft.



ranks 291147 from 293009 and now points to BLACKIRON_DataCentres ranked >2000000 from >2000000.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 318559 from 330728 .



ranks 324231 from 304680 and are listed with

Stentor and are joining up with Shaw.

According to an article in the Sherwood Park Independent they are also getting an Alberta Government subsidy.

Distributel / 3Web / CIA


is ranked 508816 from 519357 and seems to be hosted in Brazil.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 1211191 from 1205618 with

ranking >2000000 from >2000000 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

sold to Xplornet.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 and

Go Edmonton ranks >2000000 from >2000000.

Alberta political blogger Daveberta ranks >2000000 from >2000000; interesting!!!

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

and check Google for more reviews; just search tera byte.

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at Netcraft Rank 1469314 from 1923128


Yellowpencil Ranks 1490714 from 1681685

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 1600649 from 1590190

Alentus / Wolfpaw


rank by Netcraft 1981842 from 1975909 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

which ranks at >2000000 from >2000000

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000. Their partner Rack Nine ranks > 2000000.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft >2000000 from >2000000

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft ?????? from ?????? due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.

Clearwave Broadband

Clearwave Broadband ranks

at >2000000 from >2000000

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position >2000000 from >2000000 and are being hosted on Amazon.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks >2000000 from >2000000.


4web ranks >2000000 from >2000000 .

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

bought out by Xplornet .

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte and bought out by Xplornet

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 ( I do remember you).

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 by Netcraft


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks >2000000 from >2000000

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank >2000000 from >2000000


ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and seems to be connected with Shaw.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 .

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and are linked with Telus high Speed.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at > 2000000 from > 2000000 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at > 2000000 from > 2000000


Interspots of Edmonton

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000 hosted by Stentor and acquired by Techalta ;

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's top 224500

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the Netcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 233976 at Netcraft .

A significant decrease! We must do security audits regularly and check on illegitimate traffic hitting the web server!

We are now redirecting all traffic to Secured general server which now ranks 224882 from 221773 and pfs compliant .

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 99062 from 94952 on Netcraft and pfs compliant .

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 248989 from 245093 last week on Netcraft and Secured secondary server using the wildcard certificate is at 13930 from 14513.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 521027 from 518493 and non-anonymous rank 464497 from 462001.

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 on Netcraft.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000.

is at >2000000 from >2000000 .

ranks > 2000000 from >2000000

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 12640 from 12630.

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at >2000000 from >2000000 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers

Reviews of Telus are available :


Rogers Business Solutions

which rank 13673 from 13994

Netknow again

We at Netknow are at 224882 the start of the April 2019 .

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 20921 from 21217 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 140931 from 138646.

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 40956 from 43085 hosted by Amazon TEchonologies.

Shaw Cable


ranks 725710 from 722800 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 43788 from 43910 . Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 544082 from 526320 .

Reviews of Shaw are available :

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 63683 from 65466 by Netcraft

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

NAIT ranks 73425 from 74206 hosted by Microsoft .


TekSavvy ranks 128340 from 126887.

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 156790 from 147879 by Netcraft.



ranks 293009 from 288020 and now points to BLACKIRON_DataCentres ranked >2000000 from >2000000.



ranks 304680 from 303274 and are listed with

Stentor and are joining up with Shaw.

According to an article in the Sherwood Park Independent they are also getting an Alberta Government subsidy.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 330728 from 314951 .

Distributel / 3Web / CIA


is ranked 519357 from 479134 and seems to be hosted in Brazil.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 1205618 from 1200301 with

ranking >2000000 from >2000000 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

sold to Xplornet.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 and

Go Edmonton ranks >2000000 from >2000000.

Alberta political blogger Daveberta ranks >2000000 from >2000000; interesting!!!

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

and check Google for more reviews; just search tera byte.

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 1590190 from 1576513


Yellowpencil Ranks 1681685 from 1671716

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at Netcraft Rank 1923128 from >2000000

Alentus / Wolfpaw


rank by Netcraft 1975909 from 1960218 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

which ranks at >2000000 from >2000000

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000. Their partner Rack Nine ranks > 2000000.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft >2000000 from >2000000

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft ?????? from ?????? due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.

Clearwave Broadband

Clearwave Broadband ranks

at >2000000 from >2000000

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position >2000000 from >2000000 and are being hosted on Amazon.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks >2000000 from >2000000.


4web ranks >2000000 from >2000000 .

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

bought out by Xplornet .

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte and bought out by Xplornet

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 ( I do remember you).

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 by Netcraft


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks >2000000 from >2000000

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank >2000000 from >2000000


ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and seems to be connected with Shaw.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at >2000000 from >2000000 .

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks >2000000 from >2000000 and are linked with Telus high Speed.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at > 2000000 from > 2000000 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at > 2000000 from > 2000000


Interspots of Edmonton

rank > 2000000 from > 2000000 hosted by Stentor and acquired by Techalta ;

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.