NetKnow still in Netcraft's Top 14400

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 14378 at Netcraft.

A significant increase!

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 101456 from 101682 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 150748 from 152132 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 283345 from 285681 and non-anonymous rank 252333 from 254414.

ranks 266932 from 269323 on Netcraft.

ranks 275088 from 277421 .

ranks at 292523 from 294953 .

is at 283524 from 285860 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 39923 from 39167 with

ranking 5039 from 4936 .

A customer of theirs

rank 3805 from 4049 .

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at 239788 from 241884 .

And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

is at 256768 from 258948 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?

Reviews of Telus are available :

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 11013 from 10789 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 16302 from 15821 .

Netknow again

We at Netknow are up 4 and up 19999 the beginning of the year 2011 from 34539 . We aim to be above 10000 by the end of September 2011 .

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 33359 from 33816 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.

Shaw Cable


ranks 21683 from 21757 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 34833 from 35647. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 34833 from 35647.

One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global

rank 301634 from 304274.

Reviews of Shaw are available :

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 47275 from 47204.



ranks 112292 from 113406 and are listed with




ranks 129173 from 136874 . Or

Colo Is here
ranks 217743 from 235592.

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 155010 from 154172 by Netcraft .

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank 173048 from 171700 and using Worldgate IPs.

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

ranks 175412 from 176970.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft 192511 from 177510.

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft 192511 from 177510 due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.


Computer Engineering

ranks 266909 from 263901. Thank you Scott.

And they seem to be hosted by

which ranks at 199447 from 197156.



rank by Netcraft 217087 from 219022 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

One of their customers

The Alberta New Democrat Party

ranks 266857 from 269244 .

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at

Netcraft Rank 227439 from 240573 .


ranks 245385 from 247494 and seems to be connected with Shaw.


MDCi, the company that bought out

ranks 256410 from 258574.

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position ?????? from 265997

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 264672 from 266909.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 265706 from 268047.

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 266085 from 268452 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at 252685 from 261890

and Memory Express

ranks 15788 from 15957 Interesting!

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks 266250 from ?????? ( I do remember you).

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks 272914 from 275302 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 283141 from 285464 with

ranking 272993 from 283669 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

ranks 259436 from 277474 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia

local Edmonton Social MEdia Site is ranked 211592 from 213440. Very Interesting!

Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals

at 242973 from 245109.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at 273034 from 275427 and

Go Edmonton ranks 267119 from 269507.

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank 273985 from 276315.

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

ranks 274657 from 276972.

Carbon 14

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design

ranks 275570 from 277877 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspots.

BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks 277545 from 279927 by Netcraft


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks 279898 from 282196.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks 281162 from 283425.

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank 282178 from 284490

Leduc Data

Leduc Data

ranks 282661 from 284982


Interspots of Edmonton

rank 283039 from 285356;

a customer of theirs

ranks 283049 from 285379 .

Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

ranks 267987 from 270321 .

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at 283278 from 285600.

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks 283331 from 285654.

Distributel / 3Web / CIA

Next is 3 Web

which ranks 337621 from 340640 And a questionable secure certificate. Their parent company


is ranked 383340 from 354385.

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 14400

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 14832 at Netcraft.

A significant increase!

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 101682 from 95875 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 152132 from 153736 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 285681 from 288385 and non-anonymous rank 254414 from 256817.

ranks 269323 from 271672 on Netcraft.

ranks 277421 from 284049 .

ranks at 294953 from 279922 .

is at 285860 from 288601 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 39167 from 39741 with

ranking 4936 from 4954 .

A customer of theirs

rank 4049 from 4148 .

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at 241884 from 244101 .

And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

is at 258948 from 268827 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?

Reviews of Telus are available :

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 10789 from 10746 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 15821 from 15513 .

Netknow again

We at Netknow are up 325 and up 19995 the beginning of the year 2011 from 34539 . We aim to be above 10000 by the end of September 2011 .

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 33816 from 34467 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.

Shaw Cable


ranks 21757 from 21542 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 35647 from 34626. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 35647 from 34626.

One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global

rank 304274 from 306819.

Reviews of Shaw are available :

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 47204 from 47933.



ranks 113406 from 107205 and are listed with




ranks 136874 from 136675 . Or

Colo Is here
ranks 235592 from 249912.

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 154172 from 138176 by Netcraft .

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank 171700 from 168005 and using Worldgate IPs.

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

ranks 176970 from 175671.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft 177510 from 182410.

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft 177510 from 182410 due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.


Computer Engineering

ranks 263901 from 263991. Thank you Scott.

And they seem to be hosted by

which ranks at 197156 from 195246.



rank by Netcraft 219022 from 216330 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

One of their customers

The Alberta New Democrat Party

ranks 269244 from 250104 .

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at

Netcraft Rank 240573 from 226133 .


ranks 247494 from 249716 and seems to be connected with Shaw.


MDCi, the company that bought out

ranks 258574 from 260967.

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position 265997 from 268365

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 266909 from 269293.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 268047 from 270451.

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 268452 from 270802 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at 261890 from 264269

and Memory Express

ranks 15957 from 15642 Interesting!

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks ?????? from 270981 ( I do remember you).

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks 275302 from 277725 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank 276315 from 278773.

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

ranks 276972 from 279647.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 285464 from 288183 with

ranking 283669 from 286349 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

ranks 277474 from 279963 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia

local Edmonton Social MEdia Site is ranked 213440 from 210758. Very Interesting!

Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals

at 245109 from 247302.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at 275427 from 277842 and

Go Edmonton ranks 269507 from 271889.

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

Carbon 14

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design

ranks 277877 from 280358 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspots.

BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks 279927 from 274086 by Netcraft


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks 282196 from 284760.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks 283425 from 286086.

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank 284490 from 287173

Leduc Data

Leduc Data

ranks 284982 from 287691


Interspots of Edmonton

rank 285356 from 288082;

a customer of theirs

ranks 285379 from 288096 .

Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

ranks 270321 from 280944.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at 285600 from 288308.

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks 285654 from 288359.

Distributel / 3Web / CIA

Next is 3 Web

which ranks 340640 from 343531 And a questionable secure certificate. Their parent company


is ranked 354385 from 212418.

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 14750

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 14707 at Netcraft.

A significant increase!

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 95875 from 103450 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 153736 from 157582 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 288385 from 292722 and non-anonymous rank 256817 from 260802.

ranks 271672 from 275801 on Netcraft.

ranks 284049 from 284049 .

ranks at 279922 from 292721 .

is at 288601 from 292946 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 39741 from 38982 with

ranking 4954 from 4850 .

A customer of theirs

rank 4148 from 4233 .

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at 244101 from 236139 .

And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

is at 268827 from 272834 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?

Reviews of Telus are available :

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 10746 from 10790 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 15513 from 15346 .

Netknow again

We at Netknow are up 769 and up 19670 the beginning of the year 2011 from 34539 . We aim to be above 10000 by the end of September 2011 .

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 34467 from 35271 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.

Shaw Cable


ranks 21542 from 21601 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 34626 from 34713. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 34626 from 34713.

One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global

rank 306819 from 311632.

Reviews of Shaw are available :

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 47933 from 47342.



ranks 107205 from 105795 and are listed with


Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 138176 from 140327 by Netcraft .



ranks 136675 from 140498 . Or

Colo Is here
ranks 249912 from 275508.

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank 168005 from 167995 and using Worldgate IPs.

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

ranks 175671 from 178387.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft 182410 from 182050.

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft 182410 from 182050 due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.


Computer Engineering

ranks 263991 from 267900. Thank you Scott.

And they seem to be hosted by

which ranks at 195246 from 198310.

3Web / CIA

Next is 3 Web

which ranks 343531 from 348521 And a questionable secure certificate. Their parent company


is ranked 212418 from 211288.



rank by Netcraft 216330 from 219609 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

One of their customers

The Alberta New Democrat Party

ranks 250104 from 253981 .

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at

Netcraft Rank 226133 from 224562 .


ranks 249716 from 253572 and seems to be connected with Shaw.


MDCi, the company that bought out

ranks 260967 from 264877.

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position 268365 from 272327

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 269293 from 265661.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 270451 from 274522.

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 270802 from 274884 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at 264269 from 268197

and Memory Express

ranks 15642 from 15666 Interesting!

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks 270981 from 267221 ( I do remember you).

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks 274086 from 278234 by Netcraft

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks 277725 from 281862 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank 278773 from 282909.

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

ranks 279647 from 283609.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 288183 from 292521 with

ranking 286349 from 290687 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

ranks 279963 from 284091 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia

local Edmonton Social MEdia Site is ranked 210758 from ????. Very Interesting!

Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals

at 247302 from 264767.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at 277842 from 281986 and

Go Edmonton ranks 271889 from 276018.

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

Carbon 14

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design

ranks 280358 from 284455 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspots.

BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks 284760 from 289043.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks 286086 from 290420.

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank 287173 from 291548

Leduc Data

Leduc Data

ranks 287691 from 292048


Interspots of Edmonton

rank 288082 from 292420;

a customer of theirs

ranks 288096 from 292428 .

Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

ranks 280944 from 285006 .

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at 288308 from 292642.

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks 288359 from 292693.

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 15500

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 15476 at Netcraft.

A significant increase!

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 101534 from 103450 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 156038 from 157582 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 292722 from 295319 and non-anonymous rank 2608023243 from 263243.

ranks 275801 from 278419 on Netcraft.

ranks 284049 from 286813 .

ranks at 292721 from 295318 .

is at 292946 from 295558 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 38982 from 38835 with

ranking 4850 from 4820 .

A customer of theirs

rank 4233 from 4232 .

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at 236139 from 238357 .

And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

is at 272834 from 275442 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?

Reviews of Telus are available :

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 10746 from 10875 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 15346 from 15479 .

Netknow again

We at Netknow are up 638 and up 18901 the beginning of the year 2011 from 34539 . We aim to be above 10000 by the end of September 2011 .

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 35271 from 35988 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.

Shaw Cable


ranks 21601 from 21331 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 34713 from 39635. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 34713 from 36353.

One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global

rank 311632 from 314336.

Reviews of Shaw are available :

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 47342 from 48580.



ranks 105795 from 104210 and are listed with


Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 140327 from 136563 by Netcraft .



ranks 140498 from 145477 . Or

Colo Is here
ranks 275508 from 286500.

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank 167995 from 177900 and using Worldgate IPs.

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

ranks 178387 from 180224.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft 182050 from 180765.

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft 182050 from 180765 due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.


Computer Engineering

ranks 267900 from 270479. Thank you Scott.

And they seem to be hosted by

which ranks at 198310 from 193078.

3Web / CIA

Next is 3 Web

which ranks 348521 from 351682 And a questionable secure certificate. Their parent company


is ranked 211288 from 213381.



rank by Netcraft 219609 from 221740 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

One of their customers

The Alberta New Democrat Party

ranks 253981 from 256336 .

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at

Netcraft Rank 224562 from 226540 .


ranks 253572 from 255976 and seems to be connected with Shaw.


MDCi, the company that bought out

ranks 264877 from 267283.

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 265661 from 261119.

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks 267221 from 269810 ( I do remember you).

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position 272327 from 267239

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 274522 from 277153.

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 274884 from 277502 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at 268197 from 270800

and Memory Express

ranks 15666 from 15310 Interesting!

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks 278234 from 280796 by Netcraft

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks 281862 from 284634 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank 282909 from 285682.

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

ranks 283609 from 286361.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 292521 from 295107 with

ranking 290687 from 293257 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

ranks 284091 from 286860 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia

local Edmonton Social MEdia Site is ranked ???? from 207514. Very Interesting!

Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals

at 264767 from 267183.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at 281986 from 293318 and

Go Edmonton ranks 276018 from 287037.

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

Carbon 14

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design

ranks 284455 from 287203 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspots.

BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks 289043 from 291667.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks 290420 from 293012.

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank 291548 from 294101

Leduc Data

Leduc Data

ranks 292048 from 294639


Interspots of Edmonton

rank 292420 from 295008;

a customer of theirs

ranks 292428 from 295017 .

Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

ranks 285006 from 287703 .

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at 292642 from 295227.

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks 292693 from 295285.

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 16150

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 16661 at Netcraft.

A significant increase!

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 103450 from 102622 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 157582 from 159016 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 295319 from 307500 and non-anonymous rank 263243 from 272967.

ranks 278419 from 280928 on Netcraft.

ranks 286813 from 298348 .

ranks at 295318 from 298096 .

is at 295558 from 298337 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 38835 from 39016 with

ranking 4820 from 4749 .

A customer of theirs

rank 4232 from 4251 .

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at 238357 from 240508 .

And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

is at 275442 from 277969 .

Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?

Reviews of Telus are available :

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 10875 from 10613 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 15479 from 15437 .

Netknow again

We at Netknow are up 547 and up 18263 the beginning of the year 2011 from 34539 . We aim to be above 10000 by the end of September 2011 .

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 35988 from 36438 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.

Shaw Cable


ranks 21331 from 21192 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 36353 from 39621. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 36353 from 39621.

One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global

rank 314336 from 317070.

Reviews of Shaw are available :

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 48580 from 48870.



ranks 104210 from 100749 and are listed with


Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 136563 from 130051 by Netcraft .



ranks 145477 from 141332 . Or

Colo Is here
ranks 286500 from 258461.

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank 177900 from 163754 and using Worldgate IPs.

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

ranks 180224 from 181824.

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft 180765 from 176563.

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft 180765 from 176563 due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.


Computer Engineering

ranks 270479 from 273003. Thank you Scott.

And they seem to be hosted by

which ranks at 193078 from 194705.

3Web / CIA

Next is 3 Web

which ranks 351682 from 354766 And a questionable secure certificate. Their parent company


is ranked 213381 from 215207.



rank by Netcraft 221740 from 223629 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

One of their customers

The Alberta New Democrat Party

ranks 256336 from 258657 .

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at

Netcraft Rank 226540 from 228588 .


ranks 255976 from 297742 and seems to be connected with Shaw.

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 261119 from 263442.

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position 267239 from 262575


MDCi, the company that bought out

ranks 267283 from 269784.

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks 269810 from 280189 ( I do remember you).

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 277153 from 279613.

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 277502 from 288451 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at 270800 from 273345

and Memory Express

ranks 15310 from 15508 Interesting!

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks 280796 from 283274 by Netcraft

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks 284634 from 287188 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank 285682 from 288257.

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

ranks 286361 from 288947.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 295107 from 297905 with

ranking 293257 from 295935 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

ranks 286860 from 289476 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia

local Edmonton Social MEdia Site is ranked 207514 from 205185. Very Interesting!

Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals

at 267183 from 269660.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at 293318 from 296003 and

Go Edmonton ranks 287037 from 289650.

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

Carbon 14

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design

ranks 287203 from 289808 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspots.

BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!


Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks 291667 from 294325.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks 293012 from 295699.

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank 294101 from 296845

Leduc Data

Leduc Data

ranks 294639 from 297358


Interspots of Edmonton

rank 295008 from 297794;

a customer of theirs

ranks 295017 from 297805 .

Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

ranks 287703 from 290288 .

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at 295227 from 298025.

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks 295285 from 307480.

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.