NetKnow now in Netcarft's Top 13050

All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!


Netknow now ranks 13014 at Netcraft.

A slight decrease!

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server

ranks 172714 from 146324 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server

ranks at 36661 from 36082 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server

is at 492453 from 494503 and non-anonymous rank 437064 from 438879 .

ranks 414343 from 415981 on Netcraft.

ranks at 449188 from 450969.

is at 449639 from 451424 .

ranks 449654 from 451443 .

How do we compare with other providers in

, Alberta, Canada?

Juno and NetZero

We have Juno Internet ranked on top

at 3665 from 3550 who are the owners of

US Based Netzero
at Netcraft Rank 19226 from 20228 .

University of Alberta

The University of Alberta
ranks 11204 from 10649 .

Telus and reviews

Next we have

ranked by Netcraft at 42911 from 41699 with

ranking 12803 from 14749.

A customer of theirs

rank 604 from 599.

Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business

is ranked by Netcraft at 385289 from 361472.

And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce

is at 483393 from 485237.

Reviews of Telus are available :

Netknow again

We at Netknow are down 492 and up 5100 the beginning of the year 2009 from 18134. We aim to be above 11000 by the end of October 2009 and beyond Shaw's reach after that.

Shaw Cable


ranks 13334 from 13176 and

Shaw Cable

is next at Netcraft rank 21433 from 21526. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.

Their Network Hosting Arm,

Big Pipe is at

Netcraft rank 21433 from 21526.

One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global

rank 490613 from 492628.

Reviews of Shaw are available :

WSI Corporation

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto

at Netcraft Position 104331 from 104945.

City of Edmonton

The City of Edmonton
ranks 111568 from 106854 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.

Government of Alberta

The Government of Alberta Website

ranks 128258 from 130648 by Netcraft .

3Web / CIA

Next is 3 Web

which ranks 171071 from 160631. Their parent company


is ranked 270289 from 284510.



ranks 171117 from 174996 and are listed with




rank by Netcraft 185388 from 188016 and I note they are hosted in the USA .

One of their customers

The Alberta New Democrat Party

ranks 477292 from 479195 .

NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

ranks 194807 from 199826 .

Uniserve / Interbaun

Next, Uniserve

ranks on Netcraft 218361 from 221702.

One of their acquisitions


ranks with Netcraft 218361 from 221702 due to merging of sites.

One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.

Internet Centre / CCINet

Internet Centre

rank 234790 from 235798 and using Worldgate IPs.

Grant MacEwen University


ranks 257247 from 274080.

Nucleus Internet Services

After that we have

Nucleus Information Services
which can be found at

Netcraft Rank 336170 from 337628.


MDCi, the company that bought out

ranks 387038 from 388558 .

Radiant Communications

Radiant Communications

are ranked by Netcraft 389490 from 390993.

Koi Media

Koi Media

rank 391813 from 435944.

Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews

Next is Tera-Byte

at Netcraft Rank 476422 from 478277 with

ranking 432301 from 422521 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless

ranks 425543 from 427333 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia

is ranked 54854 from 53496 . Very Interesting!

Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals

at 452408 from 454129.

One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions

Edmonton Community Networks

ranks at 471685 from 459418 and

Go Edmonton ranks 478011 from 479917 .

Reviews of Tera-byte is available at


and another here

Leduc Data

Leduc Data

ranks 423654 from 425387 and somehow using Cipherkey Exchange Corp of Canada

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions

ranks 426528 from 428315 by Netcraft

Carbon 14

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design

ranks 437923 from 452257 on Netcraft and seems to be connected with something called Cipherkey Exchange Corp.

BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!

Media Shakers of Edmonton

Media Shakers of Edmonton

ranks 439711 from 441447.

Wild Rose Internet

Wild Rose Internet

ranks 444305 from 446086 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.


ranks 448428 from 450191 and seems to be connected with Tera-Byte.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

Core Network Solutions Inc.

ranks at 449019 from 450794 .

Platinum Communications

Platinum Communications Corp.

ranks 461989 from 450399 .

The Zenon Corporation

The Zenon Corporation

rank 474992 from 449297.

Emergence by Design

Emergence by Design

now ranks 456848 from 458582.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

Open Concept Internet, Inc.

rank 460258 from 462010 .

TIC Internet

TIC Internet

ranks 461258 from 463010( I do remember you).


Interspots of Edmonton

rank 461866 from 463637 ;

a customer of theirs

ranks 448544 from 450293 .

Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

ranks 404676 from 406360.


Computer Engineering

ranks 425464 from 415934 . Thank you Scott.

And they seem to be hosted by

which ranks at 472998 from 474848 .

Wiband Wireless

Wiband Wireless

rank on Netcraft at 474975 from 476870 and

their customer Found Locally

ranks at 282879 from 288909

and Memory Express

ranks 19168 from 18504 Interesting!

The Network Centre

The Network Centre

ranks 476874 from 478743 .

Internet Crossroads

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton

rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes

our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse

our services.