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Good Morning,=20


Upon assumption of office by this new democratic government, series of spec=

ial meetings were held home and abroad with some leaders of the World Monet=

ary Institution. that is to tell you that I am committed to upholding and d=

efending the constitution and laws of this Institution as well as achieving=

a higher level of public safety and security through the prosecution of cr=

iminals in the state.=20


The purpose of the committee among other is to investigate, verify and sett=

le all outstanding total pending Payment with maximum security .and records=

before me has revealed that your payment has not been effected as a result=

of official negligence.this is due to many abnormalities had happened in =

the institutions where some top official of the apex institutions are inte=

rested in your payment and they collaborate with impostors who are carrying=

a fake portfolios with levies misled and misguided about the position of =

your fund and having the opportunity to extort money from you that made i=

t too longer up till date that explains why you receive different kinds o=

f untrue emails and phone call from different people everyday.


May it interest you to know that your payment has since being effected thro=

ugh a new secure system for making fast confirmed payments, the money is in=

escrow and the account is set up under your email address only for your re=

ceiver of your withdrawer codes .Diplomatic Cash Ventures should have sent =

you an email by now with details such as when and where to pick up the cash=

. You can pick up the cash at any convenient bank locate in your area. If t=

here are no convenient locations near you, you can request to transfer the =

cash direct to your bank account or issue you a chaque within 7 hours.


If you have not received your withdrawer codes yet please contact Diplomati=

c Cash Ventures Officer Mr PAUL ODILI at email address of paul_01odili@yah=

oo.com They will charge you $165 which you will send a great deal less tha=

n a money wire service would to enable the programming of your information =

in the micro chip compartment of central computer and your code will be sen=

d to you to enable you cash your money at your convenient time.Ask him on h=

ow you are to send it.


When writing to Diplomatic Cash Ventures always include the following infor=


Your Full Name

Complete address: -----------

Telephone number: -------

Your receiver Email: -----

Your Transact Number: Are 1356990745 Transfer Date:

04-17-2007 Expected Arrival Date: 04-20-2007

Transact Amount: $ 1.2 Million the rest amount follows immediately.Text: -=

------------------------ .


Finally be inform that your funds are fully free of any liens or encumbranc=

es and are clean, clear and non-criminal origin and are available to pick, =

this guarantee is witness by the World Bank Group,International Monetary Fu=

nds IMF Paris and London Club of creditors,European Economic Community EEC,=

EFCC Africa and the Envoy's of our Correspondence International Bank of Se=

ttlement world Wild.=20


Best Regards,

Mr.Eric Thompson.

Policy harmonization chairman on public debt West African Monetary Institut=



D=C3=A9couvrez le nouvel AOL WebMail gratuit ! 2 Go de stockage s=C3=A9=

curis=C3=A9, anti-spam, anti-virus, carnet d'adresses, agenda et gestion de=

photos int=C3=A9gr=C3=A9s.


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Good Morning,


Upon assumption of office by this new democratic government, series of spec=

ial meetings were held home and abroad with some leaders of the World Monet=

ary Institution. that is to tell you that I am committed to upholding and d=

efending the constitution and laws of this Institution as well as achieving=

a higher level of public safety and security through the prosecution of cr=

iminals in the state.


The purpose of the committee among other is to investigate, verify and sett=

le all outstanding total pending Payment with maximum security .and records=

before me has revealed that your payment has not been effected as a result=

of official negligence.this is due to many abnormalities had happened in&n=

bsp; the institutions where some top official of the apex institutions are&=

nbsp; interested in your payment and they collaborate with impostors who ar=

e carrying a fake portfolios with levies misled and misguided  about t=

he position of your fund and having the opportunity  to extort money&n=

bsp; from you that made it too  longer up till date that  explain=

s why you receive different kinds of untrue emails and phone call from diff=

erent people everyday.


May it interest you to know that your payment has since being effected thro=

ugh a new secure system for making fast confirmed payments, the money is in=

escrow and the account is set up under your email address only for your re=

ceiver of your withdrawer codes .Diplomatic Cash Ventures should have sent =

you an email by now with details such as when and where to pick up the cash=

. You can pick up the cash at any convenient bank locate in your area. If t=

here are no convenient locations near you, you can request to transfer the =

cash direct to your bank account or issue you a chaque within 7 hours.


If you have not received your withdrawer codes yet please contact Diplomati=

c Cash Ventures Officer Mr PAUL ODILI at email address of 


.com  They will charge you $165 which you will send a grea=

t deal less than a money wire service would to enable the programming of yo=

ur information in the micro chip compartment of central computer and your c=

ode will be send to you to enable you cash your money at your convenient ti=

me.Ask him on how you are to send it.


When writing to Diplomatic Cash Ventures always include the following infor=


Your Full Name

Complete address: -----------

Telephone number: -------

Your receiver Email: -----

Your Transact Number: Are  1356990745 Transfer Date:

04-17-2007  Expected Arrival Date:  04-20-2007

Transact Amount: $ 1.2 Million  the rest amount follows immediately.Te=

xt: ------------------------- .


Finally be inform that your funds are fully free of any liens or encumbranc=

es and are clean, clear and non-criminal origin and are available to pick, =

this guarantee is witness by the World Bank Group,International Monetary Fu=

nds IMF Paris and London Club of creditors,European Economic Community EEC,=

EFCC Africa and the Envoy's of our Correspondence International Bank of Se=

ttlement world Wild.


Best Regards,

Mr.Eric Thompson.

Policy harmonization chairman on public debt West African Monetary Institut=


D=C3=A9couvrez le nouve=

l AOL WebMail gratuit !
2 Go de stockage s=C3=A9curis=C3=A9, anti-spam,=

anti-virus, carnet d'adresses, agenda et gestion de photos int=C3=A9gr=C3=



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