A sample Telus.net spam

From Staatsloterijnl@telus.net Sat May 5 01:46:42 2007

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Sat, 5 May 2007 00:48:27 -0700

Message-ID: <1178351307.463c36cb0c510@webmail.telus.net>

Date: Sat, 5 May 2007 00:48:27 -0700

From: Staatsloterijnl Prize Award

Reply-to: contactgerthomlfred@gmail.com

Subject: {Spam?} Sir/Madam,

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YOUR REF. No: SNL/4249859609/WP1


We are pleased to inform you of the result of the Staatsloterij award Winners

International programs that was annouced today 5th of May 2007. Your email

address have been selected as one of the lucky winning Address, therefore you

have been approved for a lump sum payout of Nine Hundred And Twenty Thousand

Euro (920,000.00). Your email address attached to a Ticket numbers 7775114-

6410 with Serial No. 223155-06. To file and claim your prize, please contacts

our processing department for the processing of your winning prize.


MR. Gert Homlfred

Staatsloterij N.V


Tel: +31- 641 940320

Fax: +31- 847 195169

Email: contactgerthomlfred@gmail.com


Congratulations once more, as we expect you to make good use of the funds.

Yours Sincerely,

Janet van Caviva (Mrs).

(Loterij Promotions Coordinator)


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And according to our logs, this came from

May 5 01:46:08 doctor sendmail[16620]: l457k1ae016620: from=, size=1875, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<1178351307.463c36cb0c510@webmail.telus.net>, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=defout.telus.net []