NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 26900

Netknow now ranks 26894 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 260643 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 337257 from 338101 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1138381 from 1146108 and non-anonymous rank 271872 from 277217. ranks 831408 from 952162 on Netcraft. ranks at 1242974 from 1284973.

is at 1274592 from 1319849.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1349 from 1345 . A customer of theirs rank 394 from 396. Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 546012 from 543029 .

Next we have US Based Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2598 from 2615.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12408 from 12402 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 419482 from 415636. One of the customers ranks 781730 from 790245 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 22641 from 22371 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 195918 from 198978 .

We at Netknow are up 473 from 27367.

The University of Alberta ranks 29425 from 29350.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 50736 from 50295 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 319575 from 316045 .

The government of Alberta Website ranks 74568 from 74152 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 83319 from 82727 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 100843 from 99639 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 116791 from 115903 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 896942 from 911741 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 130385 from 131904 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 162258 from 162157 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 1375199 from 1392967 . One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3032 by Netcraft from 3004 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 708025 from 705630 and msmart of Edmonton ranks 2290645 up 2538202 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 764504 from 772207 and are at 1218827 from 1258640 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 218941 from 222210 and I note they are hosted on UUNet's USA server .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 248524 from 247060 .

Internet Centre rank 276626 from 277285 and on Telus Communications Server.

xplornet ranks 275723 from 239275 .

MacEwan ranks 314748 from 313874.

Computer Engineering ranks 572617 from 565448 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 727905 by Netcraft from 725657 and is registered with Bell Canada .

TIC Internet ranks 776525 from 784924 (I do remember you).

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 782234 by Netcraft up from 780685.

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 863122 by Netcraft from 862920 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 889003 from 889444 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 99012 from 97804 . Interesting!

Interspots of Edmonton rank 890577 from 891022; a customer of theirs ranks 1269616 from 1282006 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1089367 from 1059128 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is at 911426 from 912485.

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 937723 from 939218 by Netcraft rank 975311 by Netcraft from 1059128. I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Wild Rose Internet ranks 1105022 from 1105022.

Media Shakers of Edmonton ranks 1284383 from 1331244 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 1378978 from 1437921 on Netcraft. BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!

Elite Web Hosting Inc. now ranks 3520504 from 4376499.

Leduc Data does not rank.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 27400

Netknow now ranks 27367 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 267177 from 272333 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 338101 from 337576 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1146108 from 1236384 and non-anonymous rank 277217 from 287358. ranks 952162 from 1064353 on Netcraft. ranks at 1284973 from 1408895.

is at 1319849 from 1453938.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1345 from 1340 . A customer of theirs rank 396 from 397. Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 543029 from 562474 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2615 from 2633.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12402 from 12354 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 415636 from 420335. One of the customers ranks 790245 from 8822152 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 22371 from 22110 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 198978 from 202963 .

We at Netknow are up 836 from 28203.

The University of Alberta ranks 29350 from 29121.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 50295 from 49646 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 316045 from 313981 .

The government of Alberta Website ranks 74152 from 73725 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 82727 from 82578 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 99639 from 99065 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 115903 from 1115153 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 911741 from 959450 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 131904 from 131979 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 162157 from 162216 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 1392967 from 1633281 . One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3004 by Netcraft from 3013 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 705630 from 728421 mixup Alberta Comunity and Co-operative Association turns up and msmart of Edmonton ranks 2538202 up 3427358 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 772207 from 824390 and are at 1258640 from 1375492 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 222210 from 220090 and I note they are hosted on UUNet's USA server .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 247060 from 255512 .

Internet Centre rank 277285 from 274130 and on Telus Communications Server.

xplornet ranks 239275 .

MacEwan ranks 313874 from 315727.

Computer Engineering ranks 565448 from 576935 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 725657 by Netcraft from 769489 and is registered with Bell Canada .

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 780685 by Netcraft up from 835411.

TIC Internet ranks 784924 from 816203 (I do remember you).

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 862920 by Netcraft from 904000 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 889444 from 934109 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 97804 from 97750 . Interesting!

Interspots of Edmonton rank 891022 from 935852; a customer of theirs ranks 1282006 from 1405224 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1059128 from 1175379 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is at 912485 from 960321.

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 939218 from 991207 by Netcraft rank 977765 by Netcraft from 1059128. I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Wild Rose Internet ranks 1105022.

Media Shakers of Edmonton ranks 1331244 from 1468975 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 1437921 from 1607084 on Netcraft.

Elite Web Hosting Inc. now ranks 4376499.

Leduc Data does not rank.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's top 28250

Netknow now ranks 28203 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 272333 from 3287647 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 337576 from 338853 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1236384 from 1279642 and non-anonymous rank 287358 from 291855. ranks 1064353 from 1091521 on Netcraft. ranks at 1408895 from 1473710.

is at 1453938 from 1524486.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1340 from 1340 . A customer of theirs rank 397 from 401. Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 562474 from 562474 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2633 from 2636.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12354 from 12351 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 420335 from 420335. One of the customers ranks 822152 from 833046 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 22110 from 21949 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 202963 from 207337 .

We at Netknow are up 522 from 28725.

The University of Alberta ranks 29121 from 29119.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 49646 from 49213 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 313981 from 314611 .

The government of Alberta Website ranks 73725 from 73255 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 82578 from 82715 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 99065 from 98430 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 115153 from 114681 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 959450 from 961439 (Not present 11 Sept 2006 8:00 a.m.) .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 131979 from 133551 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 162216 from 161316 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 1633281 from 1601018 . One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3013 by Netcraft from 3051 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 728421 from 726057 and msmart of Edmonton ranks 3427358 up 3742366 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 824390 from 823533 and are at 1375492 from 1435931 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 220090 from 225551 and I note they are hosted on UUNet's USA server .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 255512 from 257730 .

Internet Centre rank 274130 from 284277 and on Telus Communications Server.

MacEwan ranks 315727 from 319077 .

Computer Engineering ranks 576935 from 576935 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 769489 by Netcraft from 787160 and is registered with Bell Canada .

TIC Internet ranks 816203 from 851204 (I do remember you).

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 835411 by Netcraft up from 871779.

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 904000 by Netcraft from 919477 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 934109 from 951491 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 97750 from 97902 . Interesting!

Interspots of Edmonton rank 935852 from 953389; a customer of theirs ranks 1405224 from 1469496 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1175379 from 1307004 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce is at 960321 from 982525.

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 991207 from 1012498 by Netcraft rank 1035624 by Netcraft from 1060264 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Media Shakers of Edmonton ranks 1468975 from 1541836 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 1607084 from 1701785 on Netcraft.

Elite Web Hosting Inc. do not rank at all.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

NetKnow Now in Netcraft's top 28750

Netknow now ranks 28725 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 287647 from 306210 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 338853 from 344612 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1279642 from 1348362 and non-anonymous rank 291855 from 296154. ranks 1091521 from 1098205 on Netcraft. ranks at 1473710 from 1498855.

is at 1524486 from 1552957.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1340 from 1339 . A customer of theirs rank 401 from 405. Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 562474 from 560053 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2636 from 2642.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12351 from 12263 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 420335 from 415202. One of the customers ranks 833046 from 832762 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 21949 from 21705 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 207337 from 214471 .

We at Netknow are up 742 from 29467.

The University of Alberta ranks 29119 from 28827.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 49213 from 48753 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 314611 from 312890 .

The government of Alberta Website ranks 73255 from 72348 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 82715 from 81631 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 98430 from 97007 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 114681 from 113883 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 961439 from 964053 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 133551 from 135045 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 161316 from 159186 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 1633281 from 1669683 . One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3051 by Netcraft from 3082 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 726057 from 731610 and msmart of Edmonton ranks 3742366 up 4198504 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 823533 from 823120 and are at 1435931 from 1458641 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 225551 from 228621 and I note they are hosted on UUNet's USA server .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 257730 from 255711 .

Internet Centre rank 284277 from 290940 and on Telus Communications Server.

MacEwan ranks 319077 from 324849 .

Computer Engineering ranks 576935 from 574878 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 787160 by Netcraft from 777827 and is registered with Bell Canada .

TIC Internet ranks 851204 from 851174 (I do remember you).

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 871779 by Netcraft up from 872287.

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 919477 by Netcraft from 921067 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 951491 from 954028 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 97902 . Interesting!

Interspots of Edmonton rank 953389 from 990891; a customer of theirs ranks 1469496 from 1494409 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1307004 from 1322856 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce seems to have disappeared this LAbour Day 2006 from 982525.

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 1012498 from 1016364 by Netcraft rank 1060264 by Netcraft from 1066115 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Media Shakers of Edmonton ranks 1541836 from 1572087 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 1701785 from 1743764 on Netcraft.

Elite Web Hosting Inc. do not rank at all.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.