Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1333 from 1328 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 574311 from 576318 .
Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2658 from 2679.
Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12179 from 12110 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 413082 from 409239. One of the customers ranks 859868 from 860522 .
Next is 3 Web which ranks 21664 from 21642 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 216772 from 222713 .
Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 156062 from 153827 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 1921257 from 1988317. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3064 by Netcraft from 3037 . Very Interesting!
If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.