NetKnow now in NetCraft's Top 31400

Netknow now ranks 31378 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 348381 from 350648 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 361748 from 375382 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1411772 from 1437813 and non-anonymous rank 289631 from 286403. ranks 1160208 from 11172409 on Netcraft. ranks at 1772101 from 1828207.

is at 1861663 from 1927609.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1326 from 1318 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 573210 from 570082 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2682 from 2695.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 12047 from 11971 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 416091 from 412604 . One of the customers ranks 891232 from 893530 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 21706 from 21606 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 222736 from 229579 .

The University of Alberta ranks 27763 from 27630.

We at Netknow are up 1631 from 33009.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 47781 from 47767 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 301983 from 301475 .

The government of Alberta Website ranks 69610 from 68542 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 79878 from 79628 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 92919 from 92252 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 111120 from 111257 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 1040865 from 1048278 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 138367 from 137455 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 153827 from 152726 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 2066083 from 2458061. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3144 by Netcraft from 3291 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 736686 from 735735 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 879054 from 880887 and are at 1708466 from 1758094 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 227247 from 225968 and I note they are hosted on UUNet's USA server .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 254127 from 254962 .

Internet Centre rank 313021 from 309728 and on Telus Communications Server.

MacEwan ranks 326208 as I think server needs rebooting from 322947 .

Computer Engineering ranks 572594 from 569512 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 834242 by Netcraft from 849120 .

TIC Internet ranks 883211 from 869918 (I do remember you).

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 941719 by Netcraft up from 945443 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 1006740 from 1012801 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 95870 from 95869. Interesting!

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 1049618 by Netcraft up from 1057249 .

Interspots of Edmonton rank 1052551 from 1060387; a customer of theirs ranks 1764929 from 11820547 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1502617 from 1535544 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce rank 1142201 from 1154085.

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 1085027 from 1093788 by Netcraft rank 1148638 by Netcraft from 1160580 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 2520405 from 2683819 on Netcraft.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 33050

Netknow now ranks 33009 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 350648 from 365664 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 375382 from 400936 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1437813 from 1522241 and non-anonymous rank 286403 from 285688. ranks 1172409 from 1291043 on Netcraft. ranks at 1828207 from 1995764.

is at 1927609 from 2121335.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1318 from 1309 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 570082 from 597726 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2695 from 2718.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 11971 from 11908 . Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 412604 from 417521 . One of the customers ranks 893530 from 913105 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 21606 from 21339 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 229579 from 230707 .

The University of Alberta ranks 27630 from 27211.

We at Netknow are up 1263 from 34272.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 47767 from 47750 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 301475 from 299459 .

The government of Alberta Website ranks 68542 from 67341 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 79628 from 79417 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 92252 down from 91601 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 111257 from 110963 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 1048278 from 1081389 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 137455 from 137455 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 152726 from 152726 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 2458061 from 2847175. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3291 by Netcraft from 3397 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 735735 from 745547 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 880887 from 899862 and are at 1758094 from 1908303 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 225968 from 225446 .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 254962 from 259959 .

Internet Centre rank 309728 from 314024 .

MacEwan ranks 322947 from 321200 .

Computer Engineering ranks 569512 from 572489 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 849120 by Netcraft from 865697 .

TIC Internet ranks 869918 (I do remember you).

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 945443 by Netcraft up from 969424 .

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 1093788 from 1103815 by Netcraft

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 1057249 by Netcraft up from 1091269 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 1012801 from 1147698 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 95869 from 94740. Interesting! rank 1160580 by Netcraft from 1205774 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Interspots of Edmonton rank 1060387 from 1094518; a customer of theirs ranks 1820547 from 1986067 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1535544 from 1637988 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce rank 1154085 from 1198183 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
still ranks 2683819 from 3190283 on Netcraft.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's top 34300

Netknow now ranks 34272 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 365664 from 370973 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 400936 from 408326 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 1522241 from 2214160 and non-anonymous rank 285688 from 287447. ranks 1291043 from 1353587 on Netcraft. ranks at 1995764 from 2214158.

is at 2121335 from 2382264.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1309 from 1303 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 597726 from 601802 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2718 from 2737.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 11908 from 11857 Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 417521 from 416820 . One of the customers ranks 913105 from 934519 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 21339 from 21178 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 230707 from 230264 .

The University of Alberta ranks 27211 from 26975.

We at Netknow are up 1969 from 36241.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 47750 from 47647 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 299459 from 297411.

The government of Alberta Website ranks 67341 from 66277 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 79417 from 79692 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 91601 down from 90559 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 110963 from 110744 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 1081389 from 1147463 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 137455 from 136895 and was down at 10 July 2006 06:15 GMT .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 152726 from 151027 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 2847175 from 2847175. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3397 by Netcraft from 3626 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 745547 from 755658 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 899862 from 957742 and are at 1908303 from 2101499 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 225446 from 226460 .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 259959 from 257820 .

Internet Centre rank 314024 from 315220 .

MacEwan ranks 321200 from 321076 .

Computer Engineering ranks 572489 up from 575513 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 865697 by Netcraft from 883445 .

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 969424 by Netcraft up from 995540 .

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 1103815 from 1103815 by Netcraft

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 1091269 by Netcraft up from 1129528 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 1147698 from 1191800 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 94740 from 94733. Interesting! rank 1205774 by Netcraft from 1257323 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Interspots of Edmonton rank 1094518 from 1133001; a customer of theirs ranks 1986067 from 2201293 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1637988 from 1762795 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce rank 1198183 from 1248736 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
still ranks 3190283 nowhere on Netcraft.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

Search Terms to NetKnow from 8 July 2006 to 15 July 2006

From Rmagic Report PAges 15 July 2005 we find:


1) search for that only one entry exist.

2) Search on that NetKnow Links Page is in first place.

3) search for Shaw Cable Edmonton Blog turns up The NetKnow Blog in first place.

4) search for colocation edmonton turns up The NetKnow Colocation Page is 3rd and The NetKnow Page is 4th.

5) Search term dial-up service edmonton turns up The NetKnow Dial-Up Page 1st and The NetKnow Page 2nd.

6) search for (2) turns up NetKnow's links page 1st.

7) search for that only one entry exist.

8 ) search for cheap dialup internet turns up The NetKnow Dial Up page 1st .

9) search for that only one entry exist.

10) search for netzero free number in edmonton alberta turns up The NetKnow Blog first.

11) search from interbaun edmonton turns up The NetKnow Blog 6th.

12) search for DNS server company canada turns up NetKnow's Server Colocation Page 3rd.

13) Search for internet service provider for edmonton turn up NetKnow's Main Page 3rd.

25) search for cable providers in Edmonton turns up The NetKnow Blog 5th

26 ) in french search for dialup unlimited turns up NetKnow's Dial Up Page in 10th.

27 ) search term cheap dialup turns up NetKnow's Dialup Page 3rd.

28 ) search for cheap dial up internet turns up NetKnow's Dial Up Page 1st.

29 ) search for edmonton AND dial up internet turns up NetKnow's Dial Up Page 3rd and NetKnow's Main Page 4th.

30 ) search for internet service edmonton turns up The NetKnow Virus Information Page 2nd, The Main NetKnow Page 4th and Secure NetKnow Page 7th.

31 ) search for Vispan turns up NetKnow's ViSpan Page 2nd.

32 ) search for Canadian Colocation facilities turns up NetKnow's Server Colocation Page 8th.

33 ) search for cheapest internet service turns up NetKnow Dial Up Service Page 7th.

34 ) search for website hosting business turns up NetKnow's Main Page 7th.

35 ) search for alberta internet service providers turns up NetKnow's Customer Testimonial Page 7th.

36 ) search for colocation edmonton turns up NetKnow's Server Colocation Page 4th.

37) search for cheap dialup internet turns up NetKnow's Dial Up Page 1st .

38 ) search for Dial-up internet in Edmonton turns up NetKnow's Dial Up Page 4th and NetKnow's Main Page 5th .

39 ) search for Canadian Web Hosting ruby turns up NetKnow's Web Hostng Page 11th


1) search on Netcraft Ranking turns up NetKnow Blog Entry on Netcraft ranking in 2nd .

2) search on what is netcraft rank turns up The NetKnow Blog in 1st.

3) search for "Output produced by SysWatch" turns up NetKnow's Web Log Key Log in 5th but should turn up

4 ) search for vispan turns up NetKnow's Vispan Page in 2nd.

5) search for graphic designer alberta hourly rate turns up NetKnow's Web Design Page in 4th.

6) search for price to colocate a server turns up NetKnow's Server Colocation Page in 8th.

7) search for server colocation unlimited traffic turns up NetKnow's Server Colocation Page in 5th.

8 ) search for edmonton internet isp turns up NetKnow's Main Page in 3rd place.

9) search for netcraft rank turns up The NetKnow Blog 1st.

10) search for edmonton internet truns up NetKnow's Main Page 6th.

11) ""> search for "Output produced by SysWatch " turns up NetKnow's WebLog Keyword 6th but should point to

12) search for alentus "tera-byte" turns up NetKnow's Blog 3rd.

13) search for Edmonton Internet turns up NetKnow's Main Page 6th.


1) Sympatico MSN Search on internet connection problem knocked off yahoo turns up NetKnow FAQs 3rd


1) for vispan turns up NetKnow Vispan Page at 7th.

2) search for dial up internet provider in canada turns up NetKnow's Main Page at 9th.

3) search dial up internet provider canada turns up NetKnow's Main Page 8th.

4) search for internet provider in edmonton turns up NetKnow's Main Page 5th.

5) search for Internet service provider edmonton turns up NetKnow's Main Page 1st and that search alone contains 50% pointers.


1) ""> search for "Output produced by SysWatch " turns up NetKnow's Web log keys but should point at

From Google India

1) search for Netknow Internet Knowledge Company Inc turns up NetKnow's Main Page 1st place


1) AOL Search CA search for canada internet dial up companies turns up NetKnow's Main Page 2nd

From Google Portugal

1) search for netcraft rank turns up The NetKnow Blog 1st

From google Malta

1) A Google Malta Search on Vispan turns up NetKnow's Vispan Page 3rd

From Google Singapore

1) search on wsi internet blog turns up The NetKnow Blog 4th.

From Google Nepal

1) Google Nepal search on knowledge about internet service provider turns up NetKnow Main Page 3rd.

NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 36250

Netknow now ranks 36241 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 370973 from 374398 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 408326 from 407640 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 2214160 from 2517633 and non-anonymous rank 287447 from 288349. ranks 1353587 from 1427946 on Netcraft. ranks at 2214158 from 2571631.

is at 2382264 from 2757126.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1303 from 1287 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 601802 from 606224 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2737 from 2780.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 11857 from 11806 Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 416820 from 416234 . One of the customers ranks 934519 from 958847 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 21178 from 20941 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 230264 from 232408 .

The University of Alberta ranks 26975 from 26690.

We at Netknow are up 662 from 36903.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 47647 from 47365 . One of their acquisitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 297411 up from 295653.

The government of Alberta Website ranks 66277 from 65504 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 79692 from 79243 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 90559 down from 89875 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 110744 from 110825 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 1147463 from 1265156 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 136895 from 136895 and was down at 10 July 2006 06:15 GMT .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 151027 from 151027 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless ranks 2847175. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3626 by Netcraft from 3958 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 755658 from 779439 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 957742 from 984127 and are at 2101499 from 2364650 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 226460 from 226460 .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 257820 from 260114 .

Internet Centre rank 315220 from 316805 .

MacEwan ranks 319365 from 321076 .

Computer Engineering ranks 575513 up from 585521 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 883445 by Netcraft from 940400 .

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 995540 by Netcraft up from 1075277 .

Nisa Custom Internet Solutions ranks 1103815 by Netcraft

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 1129528 by Netcraft up from 1173059 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 1191800 from 1243014 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 94733 from 95297. Interesting! rank 1257323 by Netcraft from 1317464 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Interspots of Edmonton rank 1133001 from 1176713; a customer of theirs ranks 2201293 from 2499326 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 1762795 from 2032869 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce rank 1248736 from 1307673 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
still ranks nowhere on Netcraft.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.

NetKnow at Netcraft position 36903

Netknow now ranks 36903 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 374398 from 376161 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 407640 from 407410 last week on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server is at 2517633 from 3312126 and non-anonymous rank 288349 from 286769. ranks 1427946 up from 1460768 on Netcraft. ranks at 2571631 from 2698462.

is at 2757126 from 2998081.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1287 from 1278 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by netraft at 606224 up from 618991 .

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2780 from 2810.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 11806 from 11697 Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 416234 from 416111 . One of the customers ranks 958847 from 965433 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 20941 from 20840 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 232408 from 231371 .

The University of Alberta ranks 26690 from 26503.

We at Netknow are up 710 from 37613.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 47365 from 47284 . One of their acquitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 295653 up from 295460.

The government of Alberta Website ranks 65504 from 64760 by Netcraft.

The City of Edmonton ranks 79243 from 78898 by Netcraft.

The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology ranks 89875 down from 89024 .

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 110825 from 109854 . One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 1265156 from 1286479 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto at Netcraft Position 136895 from 139783 .

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 151027 from 152435 . One of their clients nexopia is ranked 3958 by Netcraft from 4362 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 779439 from 780877 . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 984127 from 1038663 and are at 2364650 from 2518369 on Netcraft .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 226460 from 222588 .

Radiant Communications are ranked by Netcraft 260114 from 260644 .

Internet Centre rank 316805 from 320463 .

MacEwan ranks 321076 from 323225 .

Computer Engineering ranks 585521 up from 583484 . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 940400 by Netcraft from 946143 .

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 1075277 by Netcraft up from 1086791 .

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 1173059 by Netcraft up from 1189477 .

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 1243014 from 1263499 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 95297 from 94571. Interesting! rank 1317464 by Netcraft from 1342078 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Interspots of Edmonton rank 1176713 from 1193253; a customer of theirs ranks 2499326 from 2675497 ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 2032869 from 2131566 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commerce rank 1307673 from 1428685 .

Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks nowhere from 8151320 on Netcraft.

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.