More recruitment spam

From - Thu Jun 20 20:25:50 2013

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Wed, 19 Jun 2013 11:06:53 -0400


From: "-"

Subject: D-E Recruitment Team

Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 10:59:51 -0400

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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 19 Jun 2013 15:06:54.0000 (UTC) FILETIME=[A2413B00:01CE6CFE]

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Content preview: Dear Job Candidate, Direct Energy is one of the largest competitive

energy suppliers of electricity, natural gas and related services in United

States of America. With approximately 6,000 employees, we are active in upstream

production (electricity and natural gas) and downstream delivery, and we

help customers effectively manage all their energy needs. [...]

Content analysis details: (7.2 points, 5.0 required)

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[ listed in]

1.0 BOTNET Relay might be a spambot or virusbot


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4.2 FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook

Subject: {SPAM?} D-E Recruitment Team

Dear Job Candidate,


Direct Energy is one of the largest competitive energy suppliers of electricity, natural gas and related services in United States of America. With approximately 6,000 employees, we are active in upstream production (electricity and natural gas) and downstream delivery, and we help customers effectively manage all their energy needs.


We are affiliated to various job recruitment websites, communities etc and your information was submitted to us for employment consideration depending on the current vacancies available. We are in search of a responsible and qualified skilled worker like you to be employed in our company and we hope you will consider this opportunity to accept this employment letter which represents your call up letter for work resumption under a starter monthly income of Eleven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($11,500 USD).


Direct Energy operates in 10 Canadian provinces, 46 states in the U.S. and the District of Columbia, which includes more than six million customer relationships. If you are interested to join us, kindly forward your CV indicating your area of work specialization on your cover letter, ensuring that you have quoted your choice of designation so that we will take that into consideration on your appointment.


Please note that your location will determine if there might be any verbal interview as this may serve as part of your final recruitment assessment based on the acclaimed qualifications stated on your resume. Forward your application to:


For more information about our company products, visit



Direct Energy Inc.

1001 Liberty Avenue, 12th Floor

Pittsburgh, PA 15222 U.S.A

Tel: +1-206-317-1332



Our Alert service sent this mail to you using a default setting which accessed the information you supplied through various job recruitment websites when your account was opened. If you wish to limit the type of mails you receive or the email address(es) in use, please send a mail quoting your rejection in acceptance of this job offer.



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