NetKnow now in Netcraft's Top 46400
Posted by Dave Yadallee on
All data is from Netcraft Toolbar . Looks as if there are major changes to the NEtcraft algorithm!
Netknow now ranks 46356 at Netcraft.
A significant decrease!
Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:
NetKnow Secure Server
ranks 343401 from 334524 on Netcraft.
NetKnow's secondary server
ranks at 369992 from 359483 last week on Netcraft.
NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server
is at 442449 from 441226 and non-anonymous rank 402693 from 401483 .
is at 380155 from 379135.
ranks 402843 from 401645 on Netcraft.
ranks at 428136 from 413602.
ranks 428584 from 414046 .
How do we compare with other providers in
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?
Next we have
ranked by Netcraft at 40819 from 40234 with
ranking 4532 from 4416 .
A customer of theirs
rank 954 from 942.
Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business
is ranked by Netcraft at 306202 from 305861.
And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce
is at 396800 from 395610.
Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?
Reviews of Telus are available :
We have Juno Internet ranked on top
at 7171 from 6970 who are the owners of
US Based Netzero at Netcraft Rank 16730 from 16746 .
ranks 17026 from 16759 and
Shaw Cable
is next at Netcraft rank 20590 from 20209. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.
Their Network Hosting Arm,
Big Pipe is at
Netcraft rank 20590 from 20209.
One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global
rank 413515 from 400062.
Reviews of Shaw are available :
The University of Alberta ranks 40925 from 37729.
We at Netknow are down 1311 and down 6546 the beginning of the year 2009 from 39790. We aim to be above 20000 by the end of June 2010 .
Next is 3 Web
which ranks 56128 from 54225 . Their parent company
is ranked 193875 from 187038.
ranks 96975 from 97216 and are listed with
The City of Edmonton ranks 119361 from 119459 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.
rank by Netcraft 150134 from 148844 and I note they are hosted in the USA .
One of their customers
The Alberta New Democrat Party
ranks 414982 from 401467 .
The Government of Alberta Website
ranks 149002 from 153121 by Netcraft .
The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
ranks 166971 from 165335.
Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto
at Netcraft Position 167974 from 163034.
Internet Centre
rank 182521 from 180491 and using Worldgate IPs.
Next, Uniserve
ranks on Netcraft 191102 from 184519.
One of their acquisitions
ranks with Netcraft 191102 from 184519 due to merging of sites.
One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.
ranks 219751 from 213602.
Radiant Communications
are ranked by Netcraft 347676 from 346764.
After that we have
Nucleus Information Services which can be found at
Netcraft Rank 388396 from 387455.
Open Concept Internet, Inc.
rank 388995 from 377225.
Wiband Wireless
rank on Netcraft at 389334 from 388396 and
their customer Found Locally
ranks at 299970 from 293568
and Memory Express
ranks 24480 from 23712 Interesting!
TIC Internet
ranks 389690 from 377900 ( I do remember you).
Interspots of Edmonton
rank 401836 from 400700 ;
a customer of theirs
ranks 457615 from 440561 .
Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta
ranks 429423 from 414916 .
Media Shakers of Edmonton
ranks 407643 from 394366.
Next is Tera-Byte
at Netcraft Rank 441991 from 426421 with
ranking 410917 from 409586 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless
ranks 415187 from 414151 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia
is ranked 61701 from 71242 . Very Interesting!
Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals
at 449175 from 432809 .
One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions
Edmonton Community Networks
ranks at 453566 from 436758 and
Go Edmonton ranks 443438 from ? and looks hacked up by Palestinians.
Reviews of Tera-byte is available at
and another here
Koi Media
rank 412540 from 399131.
Platinum Communications Corp.
ranks 414223 from 413077.
Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 415774 from 414798 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspo ts.
BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!
The Zenon Corporation
rank 426579 from 425329 .
ranks 427450 from 426159 and seems to be connected with Shaw.
Nisa Custom Internet Solutions
ranks 429670 from 428430 by Netcraft
MDCi, the company that bought out
ranks 434551 from 419241.
Emergence by Design
now ranks 437401 from 436048.
Wild Rose Internet
ranks 437789 from 436446 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.
Computer Engineering
ranks 402793 from 401585. Thank you Scott.
And they seem to be hosted by
which ranks at 437821 from 437821.
Leduc Data
ranks 440994 from 425494 and somehow using Cipherkey
Core Network Solutions Inc.
ranks at 442291 from 441054.
The Network Centre
ranks 442392 from 426802.
Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton
rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .
If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes
our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse
our services.
Netknow now ranks 46356 at Netcraft.
A significant decrease!
Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:
NetKnow Secure Server
ranks 343401 from 334524 on Netcraft.
NetKnow's secondary server
ranks at 369992 from 359483 last week on Netcraft.
NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server
is at 442449 from 441226 and non-anonymous rank 402693 from 401483 .
is at 380155 from 379135.
ranks 402843 from 401645 on Netcraft.
ranks at 428136 from 413602.
ranks 428584 from 414046 .
How do we compare with other providers in
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?
Telus and reviews
Next we have
ranked by Netcraft at 40819 from 40234 with
ranking 4532 from 4416 .
A customer of theirs
rank 954 from 942.
Sometimes their Web Hosting is done by
title="Internet Names for Business">Internet Names for Business
is ranked by Netcraft at 306202 from 305861.
And Edmonton Chamber of Commerce
is at 396800 from 395610.
Is Telus's ADSL network suspectible to Code Red Attacks and Attackers?
Reviews of Telus are available :
Juno and NetZero
We have Juno Internet ranked on top
at 7171 from 6970 who are the owners of
US Based Netzero at Netcraft Rank 16730 from 16746 .
Shaw Cable
ranks 17026 from 16759 and
Shaw Cable
is next at Netcraft rank 20590 from 20209. Briefly unavailable during high peak demand.
Their Network Hosting Arm,
Big Pipe is at
Netcraft rank 20590 from 20209.
One of customer of Shaw Avalon Global
rank 413515 from 400062.
Reviews of Shaw are available :
University of Alberta
The University of Alberta ranks 40925 from 37729.
Netknow again
We at Netknow are down 1311 and down 6546 the beginning of the year 2009 from 39790. We aim to be above 20000 by the end of June 2010 .
3Web / CIA
Next is 3 Web
which ranks 56128 from 54225 . Their parent company
is ranked 193875 from 187038.
ranks 96975 from 97216 and are listed with
City of Edmonton
The City of Edmonton ranks 119361 from 119459 by Netcraft and are now with Alentus of Edmonton.
rank by Netcraft 150134 from 148844 and I note they are hosted in the USA .
One of their customers
The Alberta New Democrat Party
ranks 414982 from 401467 .
Government of Alberta
The Government of Alberta Website
ranks 149002 from 153121 by Netcraft .
NAIT / Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
ranks 166971 from 165335.
WSI Corporation
Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet of Toronto
at Netcraft Position 167974 from 163034.
Internet Centre / CCINet
Internet Centre
rank 182521 from 180491 and using Worldgate IPs.
Uniserve / Interbaun
Next, Uniserve
ranks on Netcraft 191102 from 184519.
One of their acquisitions
ranks with Netcraft 191102 from 184519 due to merging of sites.
One customer just came over from this organization in Nov 2006.
Grant MacEwen University
ranks 219751 from 213602.
Radiant Communications
Radiant Communications
are ranked by Netcraft 347676 from 346764.
Nucleus Internet Services
After that we have
Nucleus Information Services which can be found at
Netcraft Rank 388396 from 387455.
Open Concept Internet, Inc.
Open Concept Internet, Inc.
rank 388995 from 377225.
Wiband Wireless
Wiband Wireless
rank on Netcraft at 389334 from 388396 and
their customer Found Locally
ranks at 299970 from 293568
and Memory Express
ranks 24480 from 23712 Interesting!
TIC Internet
TIC Internet
ranks 389690 from 377900 ( I do remember you).
Interspots of Edmonton
rank 401836 from 400700 ;
a customer of theirs
ranks 457615 from 440561 .
Another customer the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta
ranks 429423 from 414916 .
Media Shakers of Edmonton
Media Shakers of Edmonton
ranks 407643 from 394366.
Tera Byte Edmonton and reviews
Next is Tera-Byte
at Netcraft Rank 441991 from 426421 with
ranking 410917 from 409586 and their wireless arm Tera-Byte Wireless
ranks 415187 from 414151 and is now part of Tera-Byte Wireless. One of their clients nexopia
is ranked 61701 from 71242 . Very Interesting!
Another of their customers The Alberta Liberals
at 449175 from 432809 .
One of Tera-Byte's acquisitions
Edmonton Community Networks
ranks at 453566 from 436758 and
Go Edmonton ranks 443438 from ? and looks hacked up by Palestinians.
Reviews of Tera-byte is available at
and another here
Koi Media
Koi Media
rank 412540 from 399131.
Platinum Communications
Platinum Communications Corp.
ranks 414223 from 413077.
Carbon 14
Carbon 14 Graphic Art and Web Design
ranks 415774 from 414798 on Netcraft and note they are connected to Interspo ts.
BTW Illusions Photographics wants a word with you!
The Zenon Corporation
The Zenon Corporation
rank 426579 from 425329 .
ranks 427450 from 426159 and seems to be connected with Shaw.
Nisa Custom Internet Solutions
Nisa Custom Internet Solutions
ranks 429670 from 428430 by Netcraft
MDCi, the company that bought out
ranks 434551 from 419241.
Emergence by Design
Emergence by Design
now ranks 437401 from 436048.
Wild Rose Internet
Wild Rose Internet
ranks 437789 from 436446 and I wonder if this is another wireless branch of Tera-Byte.
Computer Engineering
ranks 402793 from 401585. Thank you Scott.
And they seem to be hosted by
which ranks at 437821 from 437821.
Leduc Data
Leduc Data
ranks 440994 from 425494 and somehow using Cipherkey
Core Network Solutions Inc.
Core Network Solutions Inc.
ranks at 442291 from 441054.
The Network Centre
The Network Centre
ranks 442392 from 426802.
Internet Crossroads
Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton
rank nothing from nothing by Netcraft and seems to merged with Tera-Byte/ .
If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes
our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse
our services.
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