NetKnow in Netcraft's top 40650

Netknow now ranks 40637 at Netcraft. We are on the increase.

Some of our others domains and services ranks as follows:

NetKnow Secure Server ranks 407156 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's secondary server ranks at 419271 on Netcraft.

NetKnow's Anonynous FTP server ranks 10775963 and non-anonymous rank 305874. ranks 1741693 on Netcraft. ranks 10775980.

ranks 9680815.

How do we compare with other providers in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada?

Telus on top ranked by Netcraft at 1239 down from 1234 and sometimes their Web Hosting is done by Internet Names for Business is ranked by nectraft at 665072 no change.

Next we have Netzero at Netcraft Rank 2845 up from 2859.

Shaw Cable is next at Netcraft rank 11762 down from 11719. Their Web Hosting Arm, Big Pipe is at Netcraft rank 439901 no change. One of the customers ranks 1093679 up from 1139437 .

Next is 3 Web which ranks 20408 down from 20268 . Their parent company Cybersurf is ranked 244230 by Netcraft no change.

We at Netknow are up 1465 from 42102.

Next, Uniserve ranks on Netcraft 46812 down from 46486. One of their acquitions interbaun ranks with Netcraft 299888 no change.

After that we have Nucleus Internet Services which can be found at Netcraft Rank 109606 down from 109251. One of their customers The Alberta Liberal Party ranks 1687456 up from 1963041 .

Next is WSI - We Simply The Internet at Netcraft Position 140647 of Toronto.

Next is Tera-Byte at Netcraft Rank 153855 which is down from 152441. One of their clients nexopia is ranked 5131 by Netcraft up from 5230 . Very Interesting!

Also another of their clients CA Registrar ranks 844645 no change . One of Tera-Byte's acquitions Edmonton Community Networks ranks at 1201010 up from 1220652 and are noweher to be seen on Netcraft down from8649474 .

Alentus rank by Netcraft 229339 no change .

Internet Centre rank 325464 no change.

Computer Engineering ranks 673713 no change . Thank you Scott

MDCi, the company that bought out ranks 1095286 by Netcraft up from 1176197 .

Internet Crossroads Ltd of North Edmonton rank 1418932 by Netcraft down from 1517340 .

Open Concept Internet, Inc. rank 1439468 by Netcraft up from 1693681.

Wiband Wireless rank on Netcraft at 1566652 up from 1695973 but their customer Found Locally ranks at 93758 up from 93828. Interesting! rank 1712518 by Netcraft up from 1879894 . I wonder if Big Pipe owns them.

Interspots of Edmonton rank 1820032 up from 2017654; a cusomter of theirs ranks does not rank ; another customer of Interspots Avalon Global rank 3121593 and in turn a customer of theirs Edmonton Chamber of Commercerank 1692819 .

If I remember anymore, I will add to this entry, before Netcraft changes our ranking. Please watch this space and please feel free to peruse our services.


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