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The Woman Who Fell to Earth

Chibnall is not the right showrunner!


Starts of with Ryan and a special woman on Youtube?

You are looking incoherent.

So Ryan and his father will share adventure. Love he mixed couple.

Hate the tempter.

Ryan encounters tree and and alien life form.

2 women fighting about a scratch and police have to be called in? Pathetic.

And Policewoman complains about her job!

Yasmin Khan and Ryan Sinclair meets since Primary? Come one!

Mixed marriage , Ryan's stepdad and Grace

new yawn and the alien that hit Sheffield and the thing that fell to Earth.

The leaked madame seen. Scotsman?

You violated the Gallifrey / alien bit. Especially when you are an alien!

Last train .

Look for a doctor / yourself?!

Doctor / good friend. The result of overacting!

Doctor missing TARDIS and definitely not himself in a big way!

Exciting then worrying . Writing pathetic!

Alien objective moved. Why?

Doctor as Whittaker makes Colin Baker like like a genius in the fainting scene.

Fails at the Tennant in bed recovering scene.

Doctor still healing? Chibnall you really fail!

Doctor discovers DNA bomb and trying to resolve? Terrible!

Alien now hatched and a human is killed.

Doctor chases alien and explosions and Graham is last to follow line.

Get a new line!

Ryan describes incident. Oh my!

I forgot who I am overdone! I should be able to build something.

Ryan faults himself and Jas and Ryan believes this woman thing is an alien.

Nothing creative.

Doctor Who is dying with Chibnall in charge when the Doctor looks clueless.

And that sonic device looks like an X-rated prop.

Video recording and the thief is recording.

Hate the description of the Sonic Screwdrive. Bad start!

Alien war with Sheffield as a batlleground. Whatever!

So get them out of Earth range. Sontarans and Rutons come to mind.

Weaponised biotech. All right one for Chibnall.

Finally see a toothy alien? Yawn!

Alien so cold you can kill a human.

Alien hunt still on.

Construction site new battle scene.

I got a plan when I get there. Please! Enough of the old hat!

The Doctor needing someone to work a crane? I thought The Dcotor knew how?!

Jump and fight. Longer legs needed? More brains please.

The Doctor thing has the alien recall circuit. Bargain chip time.

Speech making? Poor scripting. Nannystating!!

Clever Doctor plants everything backs. Ryan's nan Grace

dies killing a weaponised creatures.

Ryan back on the bike.

Ryna's dad not reliable. Fear Her comes to mind.

Graham 3 years with Grace and he looks weak!

Doctor lost his family a long time ago.

Chibnall you really have no vision for anything!

Women's clothe line and costume no!! Earrings TARDIS MIA ...

And 4 of them at the end are beamed into outer space missing the TARDIS

target. The TARDIS does not want a faux Doctor.

Chibnall fail!

Pathetic!! Chibnall must move on! Lousy everything, plot, premise, ideas ...

Whittaker looks like a bumbling fool.

Bradley Walsh as Graham , no spine! It is time to clean house!

Just glimpses of upcoming stars. Chibnall and Whittaker out now!

You do not deserve to be renewed in 2019!

Go back to the regeneration scene

and correct the error from Twice Upon A time. 1/10