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Doctor Who NS2 Episode 10 Love and Monsters

6/10 .

Lame RTD Script.

The focus is on Elton who met the Doctor when he was small.

Elton is making a video record.

Elton recalls the Doctor at his home, then the Autons, then the Slitheens

and finally the Christmas

Invasion. Still Elton meets up with 'Doctor Groupies'

and calling themselves LINDA.

They enjoy each others company until a

mysterious Victor Kennedy turns up with Torchwood files

and then some of the Groupies slowly disappear.

The result is that Elton goes Doctor hunting

Elton recalls the Doctor at his home, then the Autons, then the Slitheens

and finally the Christmas

Invasion. Still Elton meets up with 'Doctor Groupies'

and calling themselves LINDA.

They enjoy each others company until a

mysterious Victor Kennedy turns up with Torchwood files

and then some of the Groupies slowly disappear.

The result is that Elton goes Doctor hunting

and then Rose hunting through Jackie

only to find out that Victor is an alien. End

game most of LINDA is absorbed into

'Kennedy' and Elton has to run for his life.

The Doctor and Rose save Elton from absorption

when the meals decide to rebel and Elton breaks the cane.

The Doctor Explains to Elton his presence and the death of his mum.

Also the Doctor rescures Ursula to the best of his abilities.

Stick to editing and not wrting DW scripts RTD.