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Doctor Who - Satan's Pit Series 2 Episode 9

8/10 both parts 8/10 .

Great pick up. PArt 1 leaves you in suspense.

PArt 2 is main meat and potatoes . This is about fighting basic fears and irrationality. The Beast does try to cause

confusion only for the Doctor to disrupt the process. Rose and the Doctor helps the base to defeat

the Beast's Propaganda. Next is the fight with the Ood . The Ood is the is the tool of the Beast.

Still the Mental games and who can win does make this episode intriguing.

The Doctor does keep his mind intact and saves the Day.

Torchwood Archive? Egads!

The Captain taking Rose was harsh and the Doctor did have a scientist on hand (great!)

To me, the basic fears and the irrationality makes this a classic.

Next up, Love and Monsters?