"Butterflies & Butterfly Gardening" - Classroom presentation on butterfly gardening.  What kind of plants should you have in your garden to attract butterflies?  What other things can you do to make your yard "butterfly friendly"?  ($85.00)
Although host plants are common and readily available, agriculture, habitat loss, pesticides and car radiators all take a toll.  Habitat can be improved with very little effort.  What to help?
Plant a corner of your garden or flowerbed with Butterfly friendly plants and include host plants for all life stages.  Don't be discouraged if you don't  have much space--Butterflies appreciate hanging plants and container gardens too.

Need some help to set up your Butterfly Garden?  Ask us about our Butterfly Garden Seed Assortments…

Some Host and Nectar plants:

Herbs:  Sage, Hyssop, Thyme, Dill, Parsley, Chives, Mint
Flowers:  Asters, Cosmos, Pansies, Marigolds, Violets, Lilac, Hollyhocks, Lupines, Coneflower, Faillardia, Phlox, Primrose, Sedum, Yarrow, Calendula, Dahlia
Wildflowers:  Queen Anne's Lace, Goldenrod, Red or White Clover, Milkweed, Purple Coneflower, Dandelion, Asters, Bearberry (Kinnikinik), Gooseberry
Vegetables (Left to Flower):  Carrots, Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage.

In order for butterflies to fly well they must be warm.  Butterflies spend time everyday basking in the sun in order to absorb the heat.  A few large "basking" rocks placed in sunny locations in your garden will help butterflies get moving quicker in the morning and make them less susceptible to predators.

Butterflies love to "puddle".  Have you ever seen them gathering at a mud puddle or damp place?  Puddle sites are often along dirt roads or riverbanks where water regularly accumulates and then evaporates, concentrating the minerals.  You can easily provide a "puddle" in your garden by filling a shallow saucer with damp sand and placing it in a sunny spot for the butterflies to find.

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Phone: 780-462-1839
Fax: 780-463-7362
Email: bugs@butterflyab.com