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The nightmare Chibnall Era

The Big Chibnall Nightmare Era - The Timeless Child.

Chibnall is psychotic and Insane!

The Doctor from 1963 to 2017 - A Hobo from an advanced civilisation from a planet

called Gallifrey which perfected Time Travel using a black Hole to engineer

Time Travel. The 2 founders are Rassilon and Omega.

Chibnall now rewrites the Doctor as a Timeless Child who was found by a

Gallifreyan Shobogan that existed for millions of years with Tectuen being the Gallifreyan.

Tectuen then wishes to destroy the Universe.

Chibnall is not changing Doctor Who, he is rewriting and revising Doctor Who

against its traditions. Further he shows his contempt for British society, traditions,

and established norms. Chibnall refuses to do a Christmas Episode opting for New Years' Day.

RTD must do what is right. RTD must retcon The Timeless Child to save Doctor Who!


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