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Doctor Who Flux - Part 4 - Village of Angels

Doctor Who Flux Part 4 Village of Angels

Review of the previous parts.

Meddleton 1967

21 Nov

Why is the polygraph going crazy?

Claire Brown is back.

13 May 1985 (1935) is when Claire was born.

What is happening?

Why the multiple voices and the mention of the TARDIS?

Weeping Angels controls the TARDIS and Doctor going for sabotage option.

Fibre short . Angels out but The TARDIS has arrived in 1967.

Peggy 10 years old missing.

Doctor breaks into a lab. Professor Jericho is introduced.

Doctor tears up Weeping Angel drawings.

Claire is turning into a Weeping Angel.

The Vicar of the village is touched by a Weeping Angel.

Weeping Angel attacks Dan and Jaz.

Bel is back. Bel is looking for Vinder .

The Flux is doing damage.

England 1967.

Weeping Angels in from of Jericho's house.


Claire sent back from 2021 to 1965. Where did the Arm come from?

Weeping Angels affecting a whole village?

Dan and Yaz sent to when?

All right Doctor to the rescue?

That would contradict Blink and Angels in Manhattan.

A girl comes from behind saying they are all gone?

The girl is Peggy. Peggy was touch by a Weeping Angel.

Neddleton being fluxed in 1901 and 1967?

Gerald and wife are touched by an Weeping Angel.

Neddleton 1967 invaded .

Doctor in Jericho's basement and Claire is turning into an angel.

Doctor goes into Claire Brown's mind and being recorded.

Doctor confronts Weeping Angel.

Weeping Angels asking for help.

Weeping Angels working for The division as an extraction force?

Bel meeting Swarm and Sister.

Why is the Swarm using Passenger for transportation?

Bel explains the truth!

Yet her new friend does not believe her.

1901 Meddleton Angels and space are closing in.

Grand Uncle and auntie are killed in stone.

Weeping Angels tempting Jericho.

The Weeping Angel tells about 'The division'.

Doctor and Weeping Angel bargaining - knowledge of the division

and The Doctor. A bluff?

Doctor finds a priest hold.

Weeping angels given psychic scan and a quantum headache.

Weeping Angels in the priest hold.

Peggy Hayward in 1901 meets Peggy Hayward 1967.

Extraction force on the Doctor and friends.

Jericho ends up in 1901.

Doctor and Claire in 1967 with Weeping Angels.

The 1901 / 1967 rift see Doctor and Dan and Jaz .

The Weeping Angels want the Doctor.

The Doctor is the Cause of the Division.

The Doctor turns into a Weeping angel.

Vinder shows up.

Bel leave a message for Vinder.

0/10 .

Chris is a very sick person. The big hint was why he was

let go from Torchwood after one series!


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