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Doctor Who Flux - Part 3 - Once , Upon Time

Doctor Who - Once , Upon Time

After the Sontarans looking substandard

we get this drivel.

Start the plot. If you feel dizzy , that might be normal.

Introducing Bel.

Daleks are back. Where is Bel?

Now there are 'other things'? Survivors of the Flux?

What disruption is Chibnall up to now?

Back to Faux Doctor and the deformed ones.

Doctor activates Sonic device and are all caught up in broken time

and disruptive time with the villains.

All right Vinder, Dan and Jaz is ready to ataack what?

Siege of Atropos? What in memory us going on?

Faux doctor goes for Attack.

Suddenly, Dan and Claire back in Liverpool.

The other things are around Liverpool. What in Time is happening?

Dan and Claire in the night?

Dan see Swarm suddenly. The Doctor in flux!

Yaz and Faux Doctor Police in Sheffield?

Who just replaced the Doctor?

Doctor is back and suddenly the partner.

Vinder and Yaz, now?

Faux Doctor again. What the flux?

Jaz now becomes who?

Atropos! Back to the siege! Time for action.

Back in fractured time storm. Can the priests save?

Doctor in time stream again. 2 Faux Doctors again!

The 3 are back, Vinder, Dan and Yaz.

2 Faux are trying to figure out the whats and hows.

Dan now in 1820 Liverpool or future Liverpool? Mason street in Anfield?

Others things around Dan. Dan back in 2021.

The Doctor still unstable in a Time Storm.

And now in nowhere. Bel is still around running into cybermen.

Atropos is breaking down and Time is falling apart?

Vinder back with Yaz. The Doctor as a source of danger? Yet again.

Yaz in her flat. First her sister and now the Doctor.

The Doctor still fighting. Yaz is in the wrong Time zone.

Weeping Angels attacking Yaz. Yaz breaks game. Yaz's sister is back.

Doctor on Atropos in a time storm. Swarm and Doctor were involved in the division? Atropos was a time event for Faux Doctor. I beg for a Timeless Child retcon!

Time vs Space? Oh sick! The siege of Atropos replayed!

The Mauri are back and the Swarm are contained.

The Doctor begs the Mauri for a fix.

Back to Bel.

Fluxed time. Not good. Cybermen take on Bel. Bel 6 Cybermen 0.

Time in flux! Warring factions in Space and Time. Who will win the War of Cybermen, Daleks and Sontarans in fluxed time?

Back to Vinder and Yaz

Vinder is back to being a soldier. He is recalling an event

that happened to him. Vinder volunteers to submit a report.

Vinder is in a patrol ship for doing the right thing.

Doctor sees the Dog in Dan.

Doctor trying to negotiate about its past

and the priests are not giving in.

Doctor is seen on a time stream. Who is this creature

who knows the Doctor? Who is this old lady?

Doctor is back. Swarm is fluxing around.

Claire is hostage of Swarm.

Swarm wants to reign in Hell. And disappears.

TARDIS still in sideways mode. Vinder, Yaz, Dan and the Doctor

go into the TARDIS.

Bel is out there surviving. Bel is Vinder's friend.

Vinder's home planet is destroyed.

Vinder goes looking for Bel.

Weeping Angels invade the TARDIS.

End of Plot.

Who is watching the Doctor?

Why did Swarm want to spring this trap?

WE Know Claire is a hostage from part 1.

Why did The Doctor not address the Weeping Angel issue?

-10/10 . Please RTD retcon the Chibnall/Whittaker Era once you have taken over!


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