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Toronto Sun with Angry Anti-Tory Editorial Comment

Toronto Sun criticizes Stephen Harper PM of Canada:

Editorial: Doing what is right

Throughout the Sun's history, we've been the first to speak up whenever we see the liberal -- and Liberal -- media unfairly trashing Conservatives and conservatism.

That said, here's a news flash for Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Conservatives.

All this heat they're getting over David Emerson? It's not a liberal media conspiracy. If it was, we wouldn't be part of it.

This isn't about being Liberal or Conservative, or liberal or conservative. This is about right and wrong.

And it's wrong for Harper to have told voters in the election that it was time to throw the bums out, and then, at the first opportunity, to act like the bums.

Harper's enticement of Emerson to the Conservatives might have been the "one day wonder" he hoped for if he and his MPs hadn't spent months bashing Belinda Stronach and Paul Martin for doing the same thing in reverse.

Trying to argue, as Harper and many of his now tongue-tied ministers and backbenchers have, that the two cases are different, doesn't pass the smell test.

The details may be different. The substance is the same.

As former Sun business editor and cabinet minister Garth Turner, now the newly-elected Conservative MP for Halton, wrote in his blog last week: "I campaigned to advance issues my middle class voters are so concerned with -- things those families need and want.

"But, I arrived as the prime minister was appointing a floor-crossing Liberal and an unelected party official to his cabinet, which seemed to fly in the face of everything I had told voters about accountability and democracy ...

"The election was about change. I asked people in Halton to embrace the Conservatives as a modern, inclusive, mainstream, principled party of honest people committed to changing the system for the better. Finally ... Something to believe in ...

"Sure, I thought the appointment of those two ministers was questionable.

And after stating many a time that Belinda Stronach should have sought a byelection after her defection, how could I not say the same obvious thing now? It was simple for my constitutents to understand, and simple for me ..."

Exactly. Trust us, from past experience we know that Turner can be controversial, a glory hog and a pain in the butt. But he also knows what people are thinking and in this case he's 100% right.

Three weeks ago in this space, we urged you, our readers, to vote Conservative and end 13 years of corrupt Liberal rule. Like so many of you, we care about the future of Conservatism and conservatism. There is so much work for this new government to do -- cutting the GST, helping parents with the cost of child care, fixing our justice system, healing health care, uniting the country.

Harper and Emerson need to have a long talk. Emerson should either agree to run in a byelection in Vancouver-Kingsway as a Conservative, or he should resign. This controversy has already taken up too much time and cost this new government too much political capital.


The honeymoon is over Stephen Harper


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