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It's time for a new government, Taft tells Calgary rally

March 1, 2008

It's time for a new government, Taft tells Calgary rally

Calgary - Several hundred enthusiastic supporters turned out today to hear

Alberta Liberal Leader Kevin Taft deliver one strong message: Alberta needs

a new government.

"It's time," said Taft. "We've been saying it through this entire campaign,

and on Monday-together-we will translate those words into action: It's time

for a new government."

"Ed Stelmach expects Albertans to wait four years for the end of health care

premiums. He expects Albertans to wait until 2050 before taking serious

steps to address climate change. When it comes to affordable housing, he

expects us to wait. When it comes to spiralling electricity and auto

insurance rates, he expects us to wait. . And when it comes to hospital

emergency rooms and surgical procedures, he really expects us to wait."

"Well, we've had enough waiting. We've had 37 years of waiting. We need a

new government."

"On Tuesday morning, we will wake up to the Next Alberta. We'll wake up to a

province where public health care is stronger than ever, where we lead the

planet in protecting the environment, where we protect jobs and the economy,

where we make our communities safer, and where we save and invest our money

for the future."

"We'll wake up to a new government. An Alberta Liberal government."

"Ed Stelmach himself was quoted yesterday saying that the Liberals will be

successful. We agree."

"We will be successful because of all the ways we're different from the

Tories. Alberta has changed. The world has changed, but Ed Stelmach and the

Tory government have not. Like Rip Van Winkel, they've been asleep for

decades. It's time to move on, Alberta! We need a new government!"

Taft told the enthusiastic crowd that the Alberta Liberals are the only

party in this election poised to form a new government that acts on

Albertans' needs and priorities.

"Our opponents know what the people and the experts have been saying," said

Taft. "The Alberta Liberals are the strongest on the environment, we're the

strongest on health care, we're the strongest on education, we're the

strongest on jobs and the economy, we're the strongest on saving for the

future. Not the Greens, not the NDP."

"Not the Conservatives."

On top of that, Taft reminded the crowd of the Alberta Liberal commitment to

Calgary and Alberta.

Taft said the Alberta Liberals will:

Build the long-delayed new facility for the Tom Baker Cancer Centre,

along with the South Health Campus.

Get the South West Calgary Ring Road built.

Establish Mount Royal University.

Create a new royalty regime that gives Albertans their fair share

while also protecting jobs, the environment and the economy.

Build schools in the Calgary communities that need them-without

resorting to P3s-and protect and improve the schools we already have.

Enact a big cities charter, giving Calgary the constitutional power

it needs to chart its own course.

* Bring the Legislature back to Albertans. It belongs to them.

"Nothing changes unless we change government," said Taft. "Albertans have a

chance to change the future."

"It's time for the next Alberta - it's time for a new government."


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