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Tory platform costing: Even more bloated spending, even less accountability, and still no plan for the future

February 21, 2008

Tory platform costing: Even more bloated spending, even less accountability,

and still no plan for the future

Edmonton - The struggling PC campaign's debate-night stunt of finally

releasing their costing has blown up in bumbling leader Ed Stelmach's face.

Out of 70 commitments, only 28 have dollar figures next to them. Over half

the commitments of the PC platform will be paid for through "ongoing

commitments," "policy initiatives," or will be determined later.

The Tory costing priorities would continue the long-standing practice of

burning through Alberta's resource revenue without a plan to save for future


Here are the highlights and low-lights:

$40 million to support Alberta's bid to host the National Portrait

Gallery - it's a gallery, Ed, not the Olympic Games!

$12 million over four years for another committee to study

homelessness. How many more committees do you need to tell you what you

should already know?

$250 million over four years to attract 225 new physician spaces -

something Stelmach's own Health Minister Dave Hancock said "We can't do

that," (Edmonton Sun, February 7, 2008)

$120 million over four years to "help tenants faced with

unaffordable rents" - You might as well call this the landlord slush fund.

NOTHING for clean energy - clean energy technologies, the Climate

Change and Emissions Management Fund, ensuring emissions regulations inspire

new technologies that reduce CO2 emission - they're all listed, but have a

big goose-egg beside them.

NOTHING for monitoring water use, water storage, connected use of

ground and surface water, and water re-use - apparently they'll be paid for

through "policy initiative."

* NOTHING for carbon capture storage - this is one of the PCs marquee

plans to combat climate change, but there's no costs associated with it in

the platform costing.

You can't trust Ed Stelmach to shoot straight on the numbers. It's time for

a change to get the job done right.


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