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Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The Smugglers and blows it

Doctor Who: The Smugglers - A Spacefaring Adventure with the First Doctor

Based on the information from the provided website

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here's a review of Doctor Who: The Smugglers:


The TARDIS materializes on a asteroid mining colony

in the future. The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo

find themselves caught in a conflict between

the ruthless space freighter captain Slaar

and the oppressed miners. The serial deals

with themes of exploitation, rebellion, and social justice.

Review (Based on Summary):

Social Commentary: "The Smugglers" tackles relevant themes

of exploitation of workers and the fight for justice, adding

depth to the narrative.

Spacefaring Adventure: The setting on a mining colony

and the involvement of space freighters provide a classic

space opera feel to the adventure.

Limited Historical Accuracy (Future Setting): While the serial

is set in the future, predictions about technology

and society might not be entirely accurate through

a modern lens. This is common with classic science fiction.

Possible Weaknesses (Considering Limited Information):

Missing Episodes: Unfortunately, all six episodes of

"The Smugglers" are lost from the BBC archives.

This means experiencing the complete narrative is not possible.

Slow Pacing in Classic Who: Classic Doctor Who sometimes featured

a slower narrative pace compared to modern iterations.

Limited Companion Roles (Based on Summary): The summary doesn't

detail much about Steven and Dodo's roles in the narrative.

Overall Thoughts (Limited Scope)

"The Smugglers" has an intriguing premise that explores

social issues within a spacefaring adventure setting.

However, the missing episodes being a significant drawback.

Would I Recommend Watching It?

For Fans of Classic Doctor Who: 4/10

(Only recommended if you have access to reconstructions

of the lost episodes and are comfortable

with incomplete stories. You might enjoy the social commentary

and space opera setting)

For Fans of Modern Doctor Who: 2/10 (The missing episodes

and slower pace likely make this not very enjoyable for modern viewers)

Here are some additional points to consider that might help you decide:

If you can find reviews based on reconstructions of "The Smugglers,"

those might give you a better idea

of the complete story's enjoyability.

Classic Doctor Who had a different style than the modern series.

If you're new to classic Who, consider watching earlier stories

featuring the First Doctor to get a feel for the era's aesthetics

and storytelling before diving into "The Smugglers".

I hope this helps! Since a big part of the serial is missing,

it's difficult to recommend it wholeheartedly.


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