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Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - The War Machines

Doctor Who: The War Machines - A Classic Battle Against Mechanised Madness

Based on the information from the provided website

[invalid URL the war machines doctor who ON Chakoteya.

net], here's a review of Doctor Who: The War Machines:


The Doctor, Steven, and Dodo arrive in London in 1966

and encounter the villianous WOTAN, a supercomputer

that controls a fleet of robotic war machines.

WOTAN seeks to take over the world,

and the Doctor must find a way to stop it

before humanity falls under the control of machines.

Review (Based on Summary)

Early Cyberman Story: "The War Machines" introduces

the concept of the Cybermen as an evolving threat,

though their design differs from their later appearances.

This is significant for fans of classic Doctor Who lore.

Cold War Tensions: Set in 1966, the serial might reflect

Cold War tensions and fears of automation replacing humanity.

This can add an interesting historical context to the narrative.

High Stakes: With the fate of the world at stake, "The War Machines"

presents a clear and present danger that keeps the story engaging.

Possible Weaknesses (Considering Limited Information):

Special Effects of the Era: The special effects used to depict

the war machines might seem primitive by modern standards.

Slow Pacing in Classic Who: Classic Doctor Who sometimes

featured a slower narrative pace compared to modern iterations.

Limited Companion Roles (Based on Summary): The summary doesn't

detail much about Steven and Dodo's roles in the narrative.

Overall Thoughts (Limited Scope)

"The War Machines" is a historically significant serial

in Doctor Who as it introduces the Cybermen concept.

The Cold War backdrop and high stakes add to the narrative's


Would I Recommend Watching It?

For Fans of Classic Doctor Who: 7/10

(Likely worth watching especially if you're interested

in the origins of the Cybermen and enjoy classic serials

with historical context)

For Fans of Modern Doctor Who: 5/10 (The historical significance

and Cybermen connection might hold some appeal, but the slower pace,

limited companion roles, and dated special effects could be drawbacks)

Here are some additional points to consider that might help you decide:

If possible, try to find reviews of the entire serial for a more

complete picture.

Classic Doctor Who had a different style than the modern series.

If you're new to classic Who, consider watching earlier stories

featuring the First Doctor to get a feel for the era's aesthetics

and storytelling before diving into "The War Machines".

Some fans enjoy watching classic Cybermen stories to compare them

to the modern iterations of the Cybermen.

I hope this helps! If you can find more information about

the entire serial, I can provide a more comprehensive review.


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