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Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - An Unearthly Child

I can provide you with some reviews and insights into "Doctor Who: An Unearthly

Child" to help you form your own opinion:


"An Unearthly Child" is the very first serial of Doctor Who, originally airing

in four parts in November 1963. It introduces viewers to the Doctor, his

granddaughter Susan, and the companions Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright.

The serial is a historical adventure, landing the TARDIS in prehistoric Earth.


Here's a breakdown of some key points:

Groundbreaking for Television: For its time, "An Unearthly Child" was

a groundbreaking show. The concept of a time-traveling alien was original,

and the serial tackled social issues like classism

that were rarely seen on television at the time.

Slow Pace by Modern Standards: Viewers accustomed to the fast-paced action of

modern Doctor Who might find "An Unearthly Child" slow. The dialogue can be

exposition-heavy, and the plot unfolds gradually.

Characters Still Developing: The Doctor, Susan, Ian, and Barbara were all

introduced in this serial. Their personalities and dynamics are still being

established, which can feel underdeveloped compared to later seasons.

Historical Accuracy (or Lack Thereof): The portrayal of prehistoric humanity

in "An Unearthly Child" is not entirely accurate by today's standards.

However, historical accuracy wasn't a major focus of the show in its early



Positive: Praised for its originality, themes, and introduction of the

TARDIS and the Doctor.

Negative: Criticised for its slow pace, dialogue, and lack of historical


Overall Thoughts

"An Unearthly Child" holds historical significance as the birth of Doctor Who.

While it might not hold up entirely by modern standards, it's a valuable piece

of television history that laid the foundation for one of the longest-running

science fiction shows ever.

Would I recommend watching it?:

If you're a die-hard Doctor Who fan or interested in television history,

"An Unearthly Child" is a must-watch. However, if you're new to the show

and prefer fast-paced action adventures, you might want to start with a later



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