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Google Gemini explain why Colin Baker is popular as the 6th Doctor

Colin Baker's portrayal of the Sixth Doctor in Doctor Who has a unique kind of popularity. It's not necessarily for how he was presented in the original television run, but rather a combination of factors:

A Controversial Introduction: The Sixth Doctor was initially written to be arrogant, brash, and even somewhat cruel. This was a stark departure from previous incarnations and divided audiences. However, over time, some fans grew to appreciate this complexity, seeing it as a more morally ambiguous Doctor.

Colin Baker's Performance: Despite the controversial writing, Colin Baker delivered a strong performance. He embodied the Doctor's flamboyant nature with his colorful costume choices and energetic portrayal. This theatricality, while jarring at first, became a defining characteristic of the Sixth Doctor.

Big Finish Redemption: Where the original television run struggled with the Sixth Doctor, Big Finish audio dramas offered a chance for redemption. These stories explored the Doctor's character in greater depth, giving him better companions and more nuanced storylines. This allowed fans to appreciate the potential that was there all along in Baker's portrayal.

A Doctor Ahead of His Time?: Some fans argue that the Sixth Doctor's darker and more complex personality was ahead of its time. Shows like "Game of Thrones" have popularized morally gray characters, and viewers can now better appreciate the Doctor's struggle with inner darkness.

A Cult Following: While not universally loved, the Sixth Doctor has developed a devoted cult following. Fans appreciate his unique take on the character and his potential for complex stories. The Big Finish audios have solidified this popularity, creating a dedicated fanbase for this incarnation.

It's important to remember that Colin Baker's popularity as the Sixth Doctor is complex. He wasn't necessarily a mainstream favorite during his original run, but through Big Finish and a reevaluation of the character, he has become a fascinating and appreciated part of Doctor Who history.


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