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Google Gemini debates why the Timeless Child should be retconned

The Timeless Child storyline in Doctor Who is a controversial one,

and there are arguments for why it might be better off retconned.

Here are some of the main points:

Disrupts established lore: The Timeless Child fundamentally changes

the Doctor's origin story and history of the Time Lords.

This clashes with decades of established lore and can feel disorienting

for longtime fans.

Reduces stakes: A core part of the Doctor's character is the limited

regenerations, creating tension and weight to their decisions.

With potentially infinite regenerations as the Timeless Child,

this tension is lessened.

Plot holes and inconsistencies: Introducing the Timeless Child creates plot

holes regarding the Doctor's past and the history of Gallifrey.

It can feel like a forced retcon to fit a new narrative.

Divides the fanbase: The Timeless Child has been a very divisive plot

point among viewers.

Some appreciate the shakeup to the mythology, while others find

it unnecessary and disruptive.

However, it's important to note that:

Partially retconned: The 60th anniversary special downplayed

the Timeless Child's significance, leaving it somewhat ambiguous.

This allows future showrunners flexibility.

New creative avenues: The Timeless Child could potentially open up

new storytelling avenues, although this hasn't been fully explored yet.

Ultimately, whether the Timeless Child should be retconned is a matter

of opinion. The new showrunner will decide how to handle this element

moving forward.


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