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Doctor Who NS3 E3 - Gridlock

6/10 .

Summary Macra Terror millenia after the fact.

Start A family is trapped in the motorway and

simply disappear with only the comfort of Sally Calypso

to listen to. (Doesn't Mum and Dad look like

American Gothic?)

Enter the Doctor and Martha. The Doctor was describing

Gallifrey to her except doesn't this sound like Susan

describing Gallifrey to Ian and Barbara? Really!

Still The Doctor materialises just a few years after New Earth

with and Bo want to meet him (why?).

The Doctor and Martha finds themselves in pharmacy town.

MArtha is correct about mood / drugs. The daughter of the

couple purchases forgetfulness about her parents' death

and the Doctor could not get his protest in time.

Suddenly out of nowhere Martha is kidnapped

by a man and woman. The Doctor tries to give chase

but cannot catch up.

NExt the Doctor find himself onto a polluted motorway.

Luckily enough he meets a cat man and woman

(Ag you criticism is correct about catman,

woman and children - Alternative lifestyles).

So why would anyone run a highway system like this -

3 per vehicle on the fast lane with many junctions locked out

and travlleing miles per years?

The Doctor joins on as a hitchhiker and then begins his

assessment of the situation. The good Catman

tries to help at first with the lesbian couple letting the

Doctor know about the Pharmacy Town stolen vehicle

going into the fast lane.

A broadvast of sorry and the Old Rugged Cross Hymn coming

on Aitr? Excuse me RTD, but the Old Rugged Cross of

Christ's Ultimate Sacrifice and Love in this context

just does not cut it!

MArtha may have to get use to living with her kidnappers

for some years and the Doctor does not have time for this.

So the Doctor desides to descend as quick as possible.

The cat comes after the Doctor.

What an interesting meet up with car conducters.

At the end, he find an ancient enemy, the Macra!

In fact the Macra did take out one car with

2 children and a cat lady- Mean old crabs.

Martha's car is the only one ready to meet the challenge

after Martha's sermon on faith.

Finally the Cat nun captures the Doctor and brings him

to the Dying Bo.

BO and the nun example the situation as a whole

and why the Senate declared New Earth under quarantine.

With the Marca the real culprits behind this act,

the Doctor decide as quickly as possible to open

up the roads. (Hopefully the macra are done for good).

This unclutters the gridlock and let the traffic flow freely.

In the End Bo reveals his secret of not being the

only Time Lorda and Martha finally decides to

confront the Doctor as to who he really is.

On a tearjerker backdrop of Abide with Me,

The Doctor talks to MArtha about the Time Wars.

Still this is one of the low point of RTD's career

insulting and attacking established norms.

RTD repent of your sins or face the consequences!


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