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Doctor Who - The Giggle

Brilliant 8/10 ! The 3 parts 60th Anniversary series 7/10.

The Wild Blue Yonder was a letdown!

RTD is a genius!

Everyone wins and no one loses.

Conspiracy theories!

The Colourised Celestial Toymaker scene!

I loved this.

Cribbins is rather special to DW!


So is your Television invented in 1925, a weapon on the Celestial Toymaker?

And the original TV show plagues humanity for 98 years?

Neil H Patrick vs Michael, who is the better Toymaker? Gough

but Harris is a scary close 2nd.

So is life a big Game of Rules?

As a mathematician, I find that to be a rhetorical question.

I am right and you are not - TY RTD for the chaotic theme.

Mel bush the computer Programmer is back. Ginger jokes another?

UNIT is at least working with aliens to help humanity.

Hide and seek in 1935, oh boy, I thought the infinite rooms

would have been the death of Donna and the Doctor.

Nope the Toymaker wants to play a game

and it The Doctor 1 and The Toymaker 1 (A football match).

The Toymaker now goes for 2023 and the TARGET is UNIT.

Toymaker turns bullets in the flowers (how Disney).

So in the chaos, the Toymaker takes over the UNIT laser

and forces an audience to look on.

The Toymaker rants on humanity does reflect the current human state

on gaming and structure

The big Spoiler! The Doctor is shot and the regeneration start.

Mel and Donna pull and a new Doctor with the Old Doctor appear.

2 to one!

Now the game is catch and who ever drops the ball loses.

(Count me out).

The Toymaker loses and is banished from reality.

The new Doctor claims a prize, a TARDIS.

Ladies and gentlemen, there are 2 doctors in the universe,

One stays with UNIT , Mel, Donna , Kate and co.

The other, who I thought was the REAL 14th Doctor,

is the REAL 1st NEW Doctor!!

The new era of Doctor Who looks very promising!


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