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Doctor Who -The Wild Blue Yonder Review with spoilers

5/10 ! What the Hell?

It says RTD wrote this, but Too much Disney influence for my liking.

All right.

Who said Isaac Newton was black?

The TARDIS landing on top of an apple tree

where Newton was landing?

I was expecting the Visitation!

So the Doctor finally lands with a TARDIS

flaming out on a platform, ship platform.

The TADRIS dematerialises under repair and all seems out of control.

I am wondering how are these creatures able to fool Donna and the Doctor?

Arms to long? All right , which disney serial did that come from?

And these creatures grow so big that they crowd the ship up.

Which disney serial did that come from?

Then the ship changes around. The dialogue when real meets fake is rather


Someone grab me a copy of Terminus.

The End start to make sense. So finally the Doctor figures it all out

and the race to the kill switch is on!

And the race to the TARDIS is on!

New TARDIDS feature, drawbridge to dump off unwanted company.

So in the End , the REAL 13th Doctor and Donna

are back in Camden with her dad, by what new menace is lurking.

I hope the next one is spectacular.


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