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Doctor Who New Season 2 Episode 12 Army of Ghosts


This is hot!! Rose recites most of her DW adventures.

Ghosts trying to break through. You finally meet modern Torchwood

and the whole Planet is affected.

Who and what are these 'ghosts'. The Doctor try to determine via TARDIS

and end up finding the source somewhere in London.

And now we have Jackie and Rose traveling with the Doctor.

This is where is gets hotter.

Torchwood, namely the LOVELY Yvonne , notes the TARDIS and

welcomes her prisoner the Doctor.

The Doctor is greeted by Torchwood namely Yvonne , pulls Jackie instead of

Rose and is given the grand tour. Nice to see someone rejecting metric!

The Void Ship, what is the Void Ship?

3 of Torchwood staff has been Lumicized (Cyberized by Lumic's Cybermen).

The Doctor convince Yvonne he can be of help.

Rose is caught only to meet up with Mickey.

The Cybermen are revealed as the ghosts and

the Cybermen reveal that the void ship lead them to

the Doctor's beloved Earth.

Jackie, Raj and Mickey see who is travelling in the Void Ship: Daleks!!

Get ready for the GRANDE Finale!


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