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Doctor Who NS2 E11 - Fear Her

8/10 . This one had intrigue and mystery and no one died!!

This one sets you up beautifully!

Why are children and animals disappearing?

The Dcotro arrives in East London 2012 on Opening day

of the Olympics Games. Instead of celebrating, the Doctor and

Rose see a missing child post and decides to investigate.

The Doctor is at the last disappearance scene and

Rose is with a Council worker on a spot where cars suddenly

stop and start again with a push.

The Doctor , Rose and some locals decide to group together and

the Doctor helps clam everyone down and gathers the facts.

Rose pets an orange and and all the Doctor remembers

are kitlings from Survival. Still Rose see the

disappearance of the cat and the Doctor still speculates on the

creature doing this.

Fianlly Rose is attackeed by a graphite creature and the Doctor

decides to analyse it. Rose speculates on a child.

The Doctor and Rose decides to visit Trish and Chloe Webber.

Initally Trish says no but the Doctor charms his way in.

Rose decides to use the loo and the Doctor questions

Trish about Chloe. Rose decides to hide in a closet when

Chloe decides to go down.

TRose looks at the drawings only to see a fearful

one of Mr. Webber. Alsomsot tossed out the doctor

convinces Trish that he should stay since he is the only

one who could understand the situation.

The Doctor put Chloe to sleeps and interviews the Alien.

The Doctor finds out what the Alien is and decides to

find the ship.

With the Ship located, the Doctor and Rose are on the way

only to have The Doctor drawn out of contention.

Rose saves the Day by finding the Ship and with the passing Olympic

flame gets the ship charge up. The Alien releases Chloe and

the drawn victim only to let loose Mr Webber who is sung

out of existance.

The Doctor fianlly takes the flame and frees the alien back into space.

I loved it!!!

The doctor is not celebrating as he sense a storm coming

and we are set up for the final 2 episodes.


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