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NS2 number 4 The Girl in the Fireplace


The writer is good - however not up to par with School Reunion.

The start: creatures invade a Palace. A man of high authority steps in to start evacuating his mistress.

She says to go back to the queen and that calls the Doctor for help.

You something is wrong in time and space.

Enter in 3100 years from now the Doctor, Rose and Mickey onto a spaceship.

Mickey is gawking and then the Doctor is ponderous about a hole in space.

He find a fireplace only to find a girl on the other side. The Doctor and Rose and Mickey takes a look.

Quizzical about why they would find a girl on the other side, the Doctor investigates. The Doctor is taken back to 18th Century France to find he is in the bedroom of the girl in the middle of winter. The girl awakes and the Doctor hears 2 clocks.

Exploring under the bed, a creature knocks the screwdriver from the Doctor hand. The doctor recovers the screwdriver and find a creature dressed in a current apparel with a grotesque mask. The girl is aware that the creature is reading her mind and the Doctor challenges the creature head on. The doctor lets it attack him and spin goes the room. The use of a fire extinguisher put to rest the attack.

Everything back in the 51st Century, the Doctor discover the creature to be a machine and decides to interrogate it and find out why the time corridors. The machine teleports out and all searches break loose.

The Doctor decides to go back to see the girl and the companions decides to fire extinguish around.

The Doctor meets and young lady who turns out to be Renete Poisson who will soon be known as Madame de Pompadour

while the hunters goes hunting. PLEASE!! The Doctor was not stalking!! Optical eyes and and human hearts turn up in the oddest place.

The Doctor come back only to find Rose and Mickey not in place and a horse on board. The Doctor goes looking for his companion horse following him.

Funny line: "Quit following me; I am not your mother". The Doctor finds the stable and further investigates.

He knows that Madame de Pompadour is the target but why?

Mickey and Rose come across the the time when Renette and the King first dances. Camilla comment appropriate.

Machine turns up and the Doctor and companions spring into action. Freezing the android, they try to discover what this is all about. A matter of 'complete'. And the droid disappears. The Doctor tells Rose and Ace to carefully pursue.

The Doctor reads the mind of Madame and she in turns get the goods on the Doctor. Someone please explain why?

SO the Doctor Dances and the Droids picks up Mickey and Rose.

Upon return the Doctor feigns drunkardness

and ties down the druids thank you. He did pull the plug and then they work up. The doctor does try to

tuen down the thermometor, but no dice as the Druids found their target.

Rose goes back 5 years before the attack and Madame will hep and finally,

the Versaille Court and steed issue. The time link broken,

the day is saved.

Too fast pace.

The Doctor would have taken Madame only to reach her

just after her death.

You still see the vulnerable Doctor.

This script should have had 20 more minutes.


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