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Governance Website Introduction


About Us & Governance Team

            As part of our commitment to communicating with the people of the Meadow Lake First Nations, we proudly present the Governance Website. As an important part of our communications strategy, we have created this resource for the information of the entire MLFNs membership regardless if they are on-reserve or off-reserve. Using the input of our Governance Team, our negotiators, our resource staff, Elders and Leadership we have assembled our best information materials on all aspects of the Governance negotiations. These materials include information on a variety of subjects including:

  1. The Governance Agreement
  2. The Framing Agreement on Lands, Resources and Economic Development
  3. The Non-Resident Citizen Agreement (Off-Reserve)
  4. The Governance Team Structure
  5. Communications Activities
  6. The MLFN Constitutions
  7. The Constitution Development Committees

            Our hope is that we can gather the support from all Meadow Lake First Nations members who recognize the immense impact that Self-Government will have on the political structure of our communities. Governance means that we will have the responsibility to manage every aspect of our own affairs from our resources to membership to law-making and to the very structure of own governments. The efforts of the Governance Program at every level are dedicated to the empowerment of our communities. We believe that each of our First Nations has the integrity and resolve to govern themselves as they see fit. Our belief is as strong today as it has always been and we look forward to making Governance a strong and sustainable reality.

Future Informaiton


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Introduction to the Graphic Identifier for the Meadow Lake First Nations

We are pleased to introduce the new Meadow Lake First Nations Governance Graphic Indentifier. From time immemorial, First Nations have utilized the age-old skill of mnemonics (pronounced ni-'män-iks). This Graphic Indentifier brings a story from our memories.

It is full of meaning starting with the sunrise. The sunrise brings a new day. This new day provides a chance to improve on the day before. Along with the new day come new challenges. These challenges can be overcome by our people as a whole.

The sun rays each represent our bands. In the middle is a picture of a family in their birch bark canoe. Both the Cree and Dene shared resources, technologies, sciences, medicines, and governance to maintain peace, friendship and partnerships. The waters, trees and land represent the wealth of our resources and that we must continue to adapt in order to prosper and flourish on our lands.

Graphic Locted At the TopLeft

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