Healthy Solutions Own | Dr. Hauschka | Natures Sunshine | Principessa | Mor
Yoga Essential Oils and Incense | Metal Works

Healthy Solutions' Soap

Healthy Solutions' Own soap is made with 100% natural ingredients including olive oil, canola oil, coconut oil, palm kernel oil, spring water, lye and perfume oil.

Soap scents include:


Very fresh scent of lemongrass


Mild and creamy scent


With peppermint and spearmint, very refreshing


A distant scent of lilac

Life's A Beach

Fresh tropical fragrance


Sweet and fruity scent


A mysterious and exotic scent of Egypt

Summer Days

Delicious, carefree fruity scent of summer

Egyptian Nights

Has extra moisturizing with added cocoa butter and the sultry scent of Egyptian Nights


Therapeutic lavender which is calming, with thoughts of Provence.

Healthy Solutions' Bath Salts

Ingredients: epsom, mineral and sea salts and essential oils.

Lavender Mineral Bath Salts

With scent of lavender essential oil

Detoxify Mineral Bath Salts

With a blend of detoxifying essential oils

Egyptian Nights Mineral Bath Salts

With a sultry scent of Egyptian Nights

Life's A Beach Mineral Bath Salts

Fresh tropical scent

Summer Days Mineral Bath Salts

With a fruity, delicious carefree scent.

Healthy Solutions' Moisturizing Lotion

Ingredients: jojoba, hemp, sweet almond, grapeseed, apricot kernel, and essential oils. Healthy Solutions moisturizing lotion is available in the following fragrances:



Egyptian Nights


Summer Days


Life's A Beach




Healthy Solutions' Massage & Bath Oils

Healthy Solutions' massage and bath oils are available in the following fragrances:

Egyptian Nights

Sweet, sultry scent of Egyptian Nights


The earthy, exotic scent of Amarna

Life's A Beach

Tropical, fruity scent

Summer Days

Delicious, carefree scent


With just the benefits of the lovely oils

Healthy Solutions' Tea

By now you have probably heard that drinking tea can be good for you, but you may be surprised to hear that scientists are also backing those claims. They have been studying the health benefits of tea, particularly black and green teas. They have found evidence that tea promotes cardiovascular health and can, in fact prevent certain types of cancer. Many herbal blends of tea have therapeutic value. Peppermint and chamomile aid in digestion, and valerian and lemongrass help to reduce the effects of stress and sleep disorders, to name but a few. Drinking tea on a regular basis is definitely a good thing.

Teas presently available:

Blue Eyes Tea

apple, hibiscus, rosehip, cornflower, natural strawberry and rhubarb flavors.

Tulsi Morning Dew Tea

tulsi herb, apple bits, cinnamon, honey bush, lemon verbena, lemongrass, balm leaves and marigold.
BENEFITS: Although a very refreshing tea to start the day, Tulsi Morning Dew can also be used to assist the body when doing a liver cleanse. This tea also promotes digestion.

Chamomile Tea

Roman camomile
BENEFITS: Chamomile has calming and relaxing properties and can also assist with digestion.

Evening Herb Tea

valerian, rose, lemongrass, balm mint, orange peel and safflower.
BENEFITS: Has calming properties and can assist in decreasing stress and improving sleep.

Peppermint Tea

organic peppermint leaves.
BENEFITS: A refreshing caffeine-free drink. Can help with digestion and is ideal after meals.

Sencha Mu Tea

sassafrass bark, sarsaparilla root, orange peel, licorice root, cinnamon bark, burdock root, cloves, marshmallow root, coriander, allspice and vanilla.
BENEFITS: High in antioxidants. Can help with digestion and circulation.

Energy Tea

Ceylon black tea, Chinese sencha tea, guarana manna, stinging nettle, yerba mate, sunflower blossoms and red currant.
BENEFITS: Just like the name says, this tea will give you energy and an uplifting feeling with some caffeine. Great for circulation, red currant has traces of Vitamin C. It is also high in antioxidants. One of our best sellers.

Sencha Green Tea

Chinese green tea.
BENEFITS: High in antioxidants.

Blueberry Green Tea

Kenya green tea and natural blueberry flavor.
BENEFITS: High in antioxidants. An alternative to drinking straight green tea. Blueberry Green makes an excellent ice tea and very flavorful for kids.


black tea with caramel
BENEFITS: Antioxidant properties and can give energy.

Tulsi Energy

tulsi energy, rooibos, elderberry, rosehip, bilberries, lavender, rose petals, natural flavor.
BENEFITS: Gives energy and helps with circulation and digestion. Excellent for the individual who likes to workout. High in antioxidants.

Rooibos Provence Organic

organic rooibos, elderberry, rosehips, bilberry, lavender, rose petals and natural flavor.
BENEFITS: A caffeine free tea. Soothing, fruity flavor and also has antioxidant properties.

Rooibos Love Organic

organic rooibos, safflower, sunflower and calendula flowers, rose petals, orange peel and natural flavors.
BENEFITS: Caffeine free and high in antioxidants. Has a citrus flavor.

Rooibos Tiramisu

organic rooibos, crackel bits, white chocolate chips, and cocoa.
BENEFITS: Loaded with antioxidants. This tea is just like the dessert and will "Pick You Up".

Rooibos Fireside

organic rooibos, orange peel, cinnamon pieces, cloves and natural flavors.
BENEFITS: Good for your circulation with warming properties. It has traces of Vitamin C and antioxidants. This tea has a hint of citrus. A great drink for those cold winter nights. Another one of our favorites.

Sencha Carnival

sencha green tea, rose blossoms and natural cherry flavor.
BENEFITS: Green tea promotes concentration and relaxation and is very high in antioxidants. The rose and cherry flavors are a unique way to enjoy a cup of green tea. Good to the last drop.

Soular Therapy Starlets™

Astrological Aromatherapy. Plants, flowers and colors unique to each sign.

Fragrance Oil, Soya Candles, Vegetable Soap

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
- Honeysuckle, Peppermint
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)
- Ylang-Ylang, Cardamom
Gemeni (May 21 - Jun 21)
- Lemon Verbena, Linden
Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)
- White Rose, Jasmine
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
- Orange, Lemon
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22)
- Wintergreen, Clary Sage
Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 23)
- Princess Pine, Juniper
Scorpio (Oct 24 - Nov 21)
- Pennyroyal, Geranium
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
- Sandalwood, Bergamot
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
- Wintergreen, Patchouli
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
- Chamomile, Eucalyptus
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
- Oakmoss, Lily

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