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Polls Polls and more Polls

Polls Polls and more Polls


Most recent poll results show "turn out" key


Bob Layton


There are new Angus Reid numbers out this afternoon. They indicate Monday's election is getting tighter as voter turn out is becoming a very large factor.

Premier Ed Stelmach, campaigning for votes at seniors residences in town, says he's starting to feel the momentum of the campaign swing in favour of his Tories.

"Our candidates are saying that the mood has changed. Many people are saying 'are you with that guy Ed? Okay you've got my vote'"

However the most recent numbers from Angus Reid tell a different story.

In over all numbers, Ed Stelmach has a fifteen point lead over Kevin Taft, 43% to 28%.

But when you narrow things down to those voters who are absolutely certain to vote the gap narrows to nine points 39% to 30%.

Angus Reid says that gives Stelmach the only negative momentum numbers in his survey at minus fifteen. Meaning voter turn is extra important to Stelmach's chances. His soft support might stay home.

end of Ched Article.

Looks to me like Get The Vote out.


Poll shows shift in political support

POSTED AT 12:19 PM Friday, February 29

A new poll shows it is shaping up to be a wild election night in Calgary.

In Calgary, support for the Conservatives stands at 44 per cent among decided voters. The Tories took 52 per cent of the vote in the city in 2004.

Liberal support is at 29 per cent, almost exactly where it was in 2004.

Wildrose Alliance support has jumped to 13 per cent compared to 7 per cent for the Alberta Alliance in 2004.

The Green Party has jumped to 10 per cent compared to 6 per cent in 2004.

The NDP is down to 3 per cent.

This poll was taken February 27 and 28.

end of CTV article.

How close is it in Calgary? really?


No Stars In Alberta Election Campaign

None Of The Parties Have Captured Interest Of Voters Tories Viewed As Best On All Issues, Especially Economy, Crime And Oil Royalties

February 28, 2008

Contact Kyle Braid at (778) 373-5000

Category Ipsos Reid/Global/National Post , Politics & Elections (City/Regional)

Location Canada

Calgary, AB

The campaigns of the Liberals and New Democrats have turned-off as many voters as they have turned-on. Kevin Taft and the Liberals have 19% improved impressions and 21% worsened impressions. For Brian Mason and the NDP, it's 15% improved impressions and 17% worsened impressions.

The governing Progressive Conservatives are the only party with significant negative momentum in the campaign. More than one-third (36%) of Albertans say their impression of Ed Stelmach and the Progressive Conservatives has worsened over the course of the campaign, compared to 13% who say their impression has improved.

In Calgary, the results are slightly positive for the Wildrose Alliance and the Liberals, negative for the NDP and very negative for the Conservatives.

Paul Hinman and the Wildrose Alliance have more improved impressions (19%) than worsened impressions (13%).

Kevin Taft and the Liberals have more improved impressions (22%) than worsened impressions (17%).

Brian Mason and the NDP have more worsened impressions (18%) than improved impressions (9%).

Ed Stelmach and the Progressive Conservatives have more worsened impressions (41%) than improved impressions (8%).

While the Conservatives are struggling with momentum, they are still the top choice of voters to deal with every significant campaign issue. Kevin Taft and the Liberals are second choice on all issues, with the exception of housing affordability, where they finish third (though a statistical tie) to Brian Mason and the NDP.

Ed Stelmach and the Progressive Conservatives do best in relation to their nearest rivals, the Liberals, on the issues of the economy (15 point lead), crime (14 point lead) and oil royalties (12 point lead). The Conservative lead is smaller on the environment (3 point lead), housing affordability (5 point lead over NDP) and education (6 point lead). Of note, is the substantial block of voters (roughly four-in-ten on all issues) who at this point in the campaign are unsure which party is best, or say that none is best.

In Calgary, the Conservatives are rated first (or tied for first) on all issues, with the Liberals being their closest competitor on every issue.

Similar to the overall provincial results, the Tories have their biggest advantage on the issues of the economy (14 point lead), oil royalties (13 point lead) and crime (11 point lead).

The Conservative advantage is smaller on the issues of education (6 point lead) and housing affordability (4 point lead).

* The Conservatives have no real advantage over the Liberals on the issues of climate change/environment (1 point lead) and health care (tie).

These are the findings of an Ipsos Reid online poll conducted between February 25 and 27, 2008. The poll is based on a representative sample of 725 adult Albertans. With a sample of this size, the results are considered accurate to within ± 3.6 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, of what they would have been had the entire adult population of Alberta been polled. The margin of error will be larger within regions and for other sub-groupings of the survey population. These data were statistically weighted to ensure the sample's regional and age/sex composition reflects that of the actual Alberta population according to Census data.

For more information on this news release, please contact:

Kyle Braid


Ipsos Reid Public Affairs


Missing one or 2 tables however

Change of Impression Over the Course ofthe Campaign

WRA +6

ALP -2

NDP -2

APCP -23

End of REid Poll

Tory impression going down!

I refuse to post Strategic Council, their numbers puts the PCs

higher. Am I correct KAren Gordon?


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