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An open letter to the million-dollar PC war room from the Alberta Liberals

February 25, 2008

An open letter to the million-dollar PC war room from the Alberta Liberals

Edmonton - Dear Hal, Mark, Mike, Tom, Paul, Ron and the rest of the PC war

room frat boys:

Here's some free advice.

If you're going to issue an attack release accusing the Alberta Liberals of

shipping bitumen out of the province for processing, you should make sure

that your own government didn't allow bitumen to be shipped out of the

province 72 hours earlier.

Or at the very least, make sure the decision wasn't reported on the front

page of the Calgary Herald 24 hours earlier.

"Tory leader panned over pipeline; more bitumen headed to the U.S.:

Hinton -- Conservative Leader Ed Stelmach was criticized Saturday for

failing to stem the flow of bitumen to the United States after regulatory

approval was given to a pipeline project that will ship the product south.

The National Energy Board's approval late Friday of the $3-billion Alberta

Clipper pipeline will initially see up to 450,000 barrels of bitumen per day

shipped to Wisconsin when it becomes operational in mid-2010, with the

potential to reach 800,000 barrels per day.

The pipeline is one of several projects announced or approved in the past

year that will see bitumen upgraded or refined in the United States, sending

potentially billions of investment dollars and thousands of value-added jobs

down the pipeline.." (Calgary Herald, February 25, 2008)

Nice work, fellas. Keep trying.

Yours truly,

The Alberta Liberals

PS: Good luck blowing your war chest.


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