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Kevin Taft, Alberta Liberals continue to work hard as campaign's final week

February 24, 2008

Kevin Taft, Alberta Liberals continue to work hard as campaign's final week


Calgary - With Albertans heading to the polls in eight days, Alberta Liberal

Leader Kevin Taft says his party will continue to work hard to gets its

policies out to Albertans.

The Alberta Liberals made some major announcements this week, including

promises to boost the wages of child care workers and build a new cancer

centre in Calgary. They also released the costing details of the Alberta

Liberal platform, which outlined plans to reallocate current spending

towards the priorities of Albertans.

"The Stelmach government spends more than any government in Canada, but

still doesn't deliver on the priorities of Albertans," said Taft. "People

are still waiting days for surgery or for a bed in the emergency room, and

many schools are still badly in need of repair. We spend 35 per cent more

per capita than Ontario, yet we get far less."

"Our health care system is in constant crisis mode. Gridlock eats up more

and more time of commuters in Calgary and Edmonton. Post-secondary tuition

is among the highest in the country, and qualified students can't get into

universities or colleges because of a shortage of space."

"Under our plan, we'll reallocate current spending to make sure we're

getting the most for every dollar spent, and that we're spending on the

priorities of the people of this province."

"The Tories run the most bloated, spend-happy government in Canada. We don't

need to spend more, we need to spend smarter."

"We don't need $14 million a year for government spin doctors in the Public

Affairs Bureau, and we don't need to give away $60 million a year to the

horseracing industry. That's money we will spend on the properly budgeted,

reviewed and legislated priorities of the people of Alberta."

Taft said that many people along the campaign trail have talked to him about

the importance of investing in Alberta's future.

"More Albertans are realizing we can't afford to let the Tories squander our

heritage any longer. How many billions have flowed through the government's

coffers since the start of the boom, and what do we have to show for it?"

"The Alberta Liberals are the only party with a real plan for investing in

Alberta's future, through setting aside a portion of our annual resource


The week was also highlighted by the Leaders' Debate on Thursday.

Commentators described Taft's debate as premier-like, displaying a

commanding grasp of the issues and a clear vision for the future. Taft spoke

off-the-cuff from notes, while Stelmach stuck to his media team's script.

Polling trends released recently by Insight newsletter show PC support at 40

per cent and falling, while Alberta Liberal support is at 30 per cent and


"All across this province, people have been telling me it's time for change.

Not with the same tired Stelmach Tories, but with a party that has the

vision and the leadership to create permanent prosperity."

"The Alberta Liberals have a plan to get the job done right."


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