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Ed Stelmach can't be trusted on climate change

February 21, 2008

Ed Stelmach can't be trusted on climate change

Bumbling PC Leader goes into fulminating rage over Alberta Liberal climate

change plan

Edmonton - Safely ensconced in his Tory bubble and staying away from real

voters, bumbling PC Leader Ed Stelmach again repeated his fibs last night

about the Alberta Liberal climate change plan.

Between foaming at the mouth and running down dead prime ministers at his

Calgary speech last night, Stelmach again blurted out the nose-stretcher

that the Alberta Liberal climate change action plan would cost over 300,000

jobs - essentially, every job in the oil sands energy sector.

The Alberta Liberal climate change action plan, announced in the first week

of the campaign, would establish hard caps on industrial greenhouse-gas

emissions in five years. It would also establish Alberta as a leader in the

green economy, creating thousands of jobs in research, development and

renewable energy.

At some point during the campaign, Stelmach must be held accountable for his

fibs and disinformation on climate change, which he has yet to back up.

That's what a real leader would do.

In related news, the Conservation Voters of Alberta rated the Alberta

Liberals' platform the best of all the major parties this election with a

grade of B+. The NDP and Green Party received a B, the PCs and Wildrose

Alliance received a D.

The Conservation Voters of Alberta's full analysis of the parties'

environmental platforms can be found here:

It's time for a change to get the job done right.


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