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Alberta Liberal Party Press Release - PC Leader Ed Stelmach hides behind aides

Palace Coup?! Is Ron Glen the new PC Leader?

Bumbling PC Leader Ed Stelmach hides behind aides

Edmonton – Albertans want to know: Why is bumbling PC Leader Ed Stelmach campaigning in a bubble?

Friday, when faced with more questions about the PC Party members appointed as election Returning Officers, Stelmach was kept away from the microphone and replaced by his chief of staff, Ron Glen, in the Canadian Press:

Stelmach spokesman Ron Glen said the Tories are open to reviewing the recommendations of the chief electoral officer…Glen did concede Alberta's current method of selecting returning officers is an ‘old process.’”

On Thursday, Stelmach’s media handler Tom Olsen had to step in to spin the Returning Officer scandal after Stelmach was caught in a fib saying that his government had nothing to do with elevating party hacks to election officials:

Tom Olsen, a spokesman for the premier, later clarified that Conservative MLAs and Tory constituency associations put names forward to party officials, and those officials submit the list to the chief electoral officer at Elections Alberta. Cabinet then approves the choices through an order-in-council. (February 15, Calgary Herald)

Finally, it looks like veteran conservative Svengali Hal Danchilla and the PC’s million-dollar war room is taking drastic measures to keep Stelmach in the bubble. They’ve stopped posting his schedule on the PC campaign web site.

Which unelected handler is going to speak for Ed next week?

You just can’t trust Ed Stelmach to face the music like a real leader should.

It’s time for a change to get the job done right.


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