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Alberta PC Leadership Round 2 is determined

From The Edmonton Sun

- JIM DINNING - 29,470 - 30.2%

- TED MORTON -25,614 - 26.2%

- ED STELMACH - 14,967 - 15.3%

- LYLE OBERG - 11,638 - 11.9%

- DAVE HANCOCK - 7,595 - 7.8%

- MARK NORRIS - 6,789 - 6.9%

- VICTOR DOERKSEN - 873 - 0.9%

- GARY MCPHERSON - 744 - 0.8%


From 630 Ched it is reported that Lyle Oberg and Dave Hancock are throwing their support

behind Ed Stelmach.

So would that make it Ed Stelmach 35% ?

Who knows?

How did they vote?

Click here

So until next time, it will be Deficit Jim Diddin, Dread Mo(r)trin or Dead Stalledmach who wins.


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